Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Leon!" I stop and start running back, she grabs my arm.

"That's suicide!" I tug my arm away.

"He would do it for me." I state, as I run back the red lights turn off from emergency mode. 

I look around, and try to figure out the pathway to the rooms of the submarine. I panic and start running to the direction of dead bodies. I leap over the blood and navigate my way around.

"Leon!" I shout looking from side to side. "Leon Kennedy!" I kick open a door, I watch as he runs but stops from the sudden loud noise.

I turn seeing rats puke from out someone's body, I panic and slash a pipe from the wall. I hop over the door frame, Leon helps me shut the pod. I huff, and quickly feel a tight grip around my forearm. The alarm blares out a message, telling us to go to the instructed area before the submarine self-destructs.

Leon abruptly stops, I bump into his large figure as we watch rats fill the hallway. I grip onto his jacket as they start falling from the ceiling.

"This just keeps getting better." Leon states as we freeze in place, not knowing what to do. A rat run across the wall beside us, I kick it into a power box. Electricity leaks out as Leon and I back off. "I think you just gave me an idea."

"What!?" I confusingly shout. He grabs an emergency axe and hits the water pipe. He grabs my body, pressing me against him.

"Hold on!" I hug him as he jumps in the air, hanging onto the pipes. The electricity and water kills the rats, I close my eyes afraid of the sight. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fear unlocked I guess." I hug him tighter, his scent filling up my nose, and probably my scent doing the same to him. He releases and we fall, I jump from the sudden impact. He pats my back and I look seeing everything calm down.

"Let's go." He softly whispers. He grabs my hand and guides me through the chaos. We pass by the loading dock. He makes me climb us first, as he follows. He gets next to me and turns the hatch. It opens revealing the woman, and a man I haven't seen before. She aims the gun at my face, I stare at her in the eyes. "Are you gonna move that thing out of her face?"

"You'll kill us all." The blond man states. 

"Are we interrupting something here?" I angrily announce, as they part ways. I get up and offer Leon a hand. 

I slam my back into the wall, sliding down. I sit on the floor and feel another vibration of my wrist. I take the watch off and drop it on the floor, slamming it with my foot. I close my eyes and look up, stretching my neck. I look at the woman, watching her gaze be fixed upon me. I then look towards the other man, he is frozen in time...observing my every move. 

"Y/N?" Leon says, filling the silenced air.

"He knows." I state, standing up slowly.

"Know what? Is there something between you two?" Leon whispers towards me, acting bitter.

"He knows who or what was on this submarine, he knows I'm not supposed to be here." He scoffs as I take another step forward, the woman quickly pointing a gun at me. "I think I'm caught in a trap."

"What trap?" She asks, tightening her grip on the pistol.

"Albert Wesker's." Leon quickly turns towards me, afraid of what will happen next. "I became free-lance to escape his hell, I get hired to find information and sometimes retrieve virus's for new Bio-weapons."

"Why would you--Why!?" Leon screams angrily.

"To survive." I hand him the handle of my knife. "I'm not here to hurt any of you, I was here scouting for the virus. Once I saw the infected...I knew it was connected to Raccoon City." I look back at the entrance of the pod.

"That's where you met Wesker." Leon says, I nod. "You were set up."

"I wouldn't have come if it was this serious, this mission is suicide if Claire didn't come and tell me." The woman lowers her gun, relieved. "Trust me, if we keep asking questions in here, we will kill each other before getting onto land."

"Silence it is." Leon states, passing back my knife. He smirks at me, I question his intentions as he seems relieved I am separated from Wesker.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Where stories live. Discover now