Chapter Four

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We all walk down, as Chris hops into his truck. Leon grips the bike, but quickly turns his head to look at me. He cocks his head and taps his hand behind him, making me notice the space for an extra person. I take a deep inhale and swing my body over the bike, I place my footing on the lift. I lean closer to his torso and wrap my arms around him, keeping space between us. I look away and narrow my eye, as I hear him lowly laugh. I turn with a disgusted face, as he increases the bike speed.

Chris follows behind as we drive off, we have some air as all of us go over a hill. We land peacefully, and keep going. BSAA gives us orders to hold off on finding Rebecca, so we could find the vaccine first. We turn and stop behind a water company truck, Chris drives up, next to us.

"Ready to rock?" Leon scoffs and looks back to the truck.

"Are you kidding?" Chris then looks at me, and shyly nods.

"Ready." I state, Chris gives me a reassuring slight smile. "Let's do this."

Leon drives forward, taking a grenade in his hand, using his mouth to take off the pin. He tosses it as we drive by, I turn back seeing the explosion happen. Flame's build up with the wind, Leon turns as we drive back to it, seeing Chris come near as well. A man comes out of the black truck, making Chris's team shoot him. The body falls as we get off our vehicles, I walk towards the truck. The truck bangs harshly, moving like something is in it.

"Logo." I say, pointing at the corner, Chris nods to his teammate to proceed. "Chris I don't think we should--" Chris puts a finger up to his lips, to stay silent. We all wait, until the BSAA opens the door. The two doors open as two dogs pop out, they rip the man to shreds as Chris yells his name. The two dogs come closer as Leon wraps his arms around me, pulling me back. Chris aims his guns at the two dogs, as I stand behind Leon.

"Any ideas?!" Chris yells over the dogs, Leon looks at me then back at the dogs.

"We'll lead the dogs away, you go blow up more tankers. Good?" He asks, Chris keeps staring at the dogs.

"Yeah." He says lowly, his expression dropped since his teammate died. Leon then turns his head to me, cranking the gas, gaining attention.

"Hop on! Here boy!" The dogs then turn to us as they inch closer.

"Don't gotta tell me twice." I shout as I jump onto the bike, as Leon turns away, driving as the two dogs follow us. I turn seeing them on each side, as Chris goes near his teammates body. I turn my head, facing the front as Leon goes onto the highway.

Leon switches lanes constantly, as the dogs follow from either side. The dogs jump on the hoods of cars, picking up their speed. I lean back seeing a dog fly by my face, I grip Leon's torso as they keep running. I take out my pistol and lean to the left, letting my back fall completely out, as I shoot at the pup. I hurt it, making it stop running as cars drive over it, flipping and crashing with an explosion.

"Steady the bike, we still got one dog left." I say in his ear, we quickly looks back and forward.

"On it." He states, as we keep passing by cars. We make in it an area with no cars, as the dog speeds up. I look on the motorcycle mirror, seeing no clear shot. My eyes look up to a near sign, I lift my right leg and extend it straight, making the bike brake fast. The dog runs by as I shoot it, hearing the cries. I then shoot up to the sign watching it fall on the body, I take my leg back as Leon pushes the gas again.

Leon takes another grenade and pulls the pin off with his mouth, tossing it back, hearing the explosions, hoping to get rid of the corpses.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora