The Transformation

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The pain from Muzan's finger was unbearable. It was so extreme that I couldn't even really call it pain -- it was something beyond pain. It was as if every essence of my body exploded into flames, burning me in every place from the inside out. My body started to shake uncontrollably in some kind of seizure, ripping my nerves apart and sending shockwaves into my brain.

I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. I couldn't feel anything but the excruciating pain from Muzan's blood surging through my body. But still, I knew that Muzan was there. I sensed him around me, and soon, it became as if we were sharing the same pulse.




I panted. My body started to re-allign itself and settle.




The violent shaking stopped. I continued to gasp for air.


I could feel Muzan tightly embracing me.


The pain was gone. I only felt tired.

"Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic," I heard Muzan saying to me. I wasn't really sure if he was speaking to me or to himself. It seemed to be more to himself, but his head was right beside mine.

Maybe he was talking to both of us.

I didn't know. I felt so tired.

I lay my head on Muzan's shoulder. "Muza--" I started to say his name.

"Shh ..." He placed his hand on the back of my head.

I feel quiet and relaxed into him.

"Don't exert yourself," Muzan said as he held me firmly against him. "Hush, now. I will take care of you."

I said nothing and let my body completely rest. I noticed that my muscles and bones generally felt stronger, but they completely worn-out. I swallowed some saliva, hearing Muzan lightly hum what sounded like a kind of lullaby by my head. I didn't pay much attention to him. In my thirsty gathering and swallowing of my own acidic-tasting saliva, I noticed that my canine teeth had grown. They were longer, sharper, almost like fangs.

Fangs? Did Muzan have fangs, too?

I didn't know.

My mind started to go blank.

"Dearest, you'll need to eat something," Muzan then said.

I could hardly hear him.

His hand pressed more to the back of my head. "Sakura, you'll need to eat to regain your strength." He ran his fingers through my hair. "Do you hear me?" He tugged at my hair.

I mumbled something. I didn't know what I was trying to say. I only knew that I was slowly falling into a blackout.

Muzan tugged at my hair again, this time a bit stronger. "You need to eat. That's what I did to get strong."

"Then get me some food ..."

Muzan paused for a moment. "There is food," he said. He started to soothingly run his fingers through my hair. "But I'm sorry, it's not very fresh. I owe you better next time." Holding onto me firmly, he lifted me up from his body. He put a hand on my cheek and kissed my lips. "Can you sit up?" he asked, looking into my dazed eyes.

I nodded, though I wasn't really sure if I could sit up on my own.

Muzan stared into my eyes, almost as if he were able to read my mind. "Don't panic," he said. "I'm here. I'm taking care of you."

I could see on his face that he was worried.

He cradled me into his arms and stood up. "You're fine. You're fine."

I could feel his arms trembling a little.

He started to walk over to the half-eaten corpse in the middle of the room. "Stay with me. Stay with me."

Something about the half-eaten corpse was appetising to me. I stared at it with wide eyes. My mouth began to salivate.

"Stay with me, Sakura."

My eyes bulged open. My entire concentration was locked on the corpse. I squirmed a bit in Muzan's hold and uttered out a noise.

"Yes. Exactly this," Muzan said. He got on his knees in front of the uneaten half of the corpse and gingerly set me down beside him. 

I salivated more, possessed by the scent of human blood and flesh. A rush of energy shot through my body as my saliva flowed out of the corners of my mouth and down my chin. I breathed heavily, still uttering some noises, and bore my fangs.

I dove at the body, grabbed the man's arm, and bit into it with all my might.

The Demon QueenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora