Kokushibou's Training

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I grunted as Kokushibou knocked me to the ground. He held his sword pointed at me.

"You've lost again," he said.

I sneered at him. "Wanna bet?" I kicked him in his groin.

Kokushibou didn't utter a sound. He stood there, taking the pain with all six eyes of his popped open to their widest capacity.

"Heh. Even for demons that stuff hurts, huh?" I leapt up from the ground. "Especially if they're doled out by other demons."

"There is an unspoken rule that you do not hit down there," Kokushibou said, his eyes still popping from their sockets.

"If it was a real battle, what would you expect me to do? Sit there and die or use the other available option?"

"I'd expect you to use an honourable technique to bring me down."

I smirked. "Hmm ..." I looked at my free hand and started to activate my Blood Demon Art. A purple-coloured essence emitted itself from my palm. "How about this?" I threw myself at Kokushibou.

"Don't you use that on me!" His sword met with my hand, colliding as if being hit with another blade. Kokushibou narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm trying to teach you sword fighting, not using your Blood Demon Art to cheat!"

"Enhance you mean, not cheat." I grabbed his sword and used it as leverage to throw him to the ground. He landed on his ass.

"Sakura-sama," Kokushibou said and started to meticulously examine his sword for any left behind traces of flesh-rotting energy. "If you want a demon fight, I will not entertain you, because like Muzan-sama, you use the cheap tricks to win. If you want to develop your swordsmanship, I will work with you."

I sighed, twirling the sword he had given me in my hand. "Lighten up a bit, will you Koku?"

"- Shibou."


"You're looking for trouble, Ubuyashiki-sama." Surprised by his own words, he rubbed his chin. "Hmm ... seems I do have ammunition against you after all, Sa --"

I jolted at him and hit him at the neck with my sword by surprise. It just cut a bit into his flesh, as I wasn't using the strength or focus necessary to cut his head off.

"Ha!" I stood triumphantly next to him. "I win!" I brought the blade up by my mouth and licked off some of Kokushibou's blood.

He stared at me. "That is disgusting."

I licked my lips. "Salty. Like old miso soup."

Kokushibou's face turned pink.

"Very old miso soup."

"I am not an old man."

"Ah? So, you got the metaphor."

"Moon Breathing. Seventh Form." Without even bothering to get up, Kokushibou swung his sword, sending crescent moon shaped attacks at me and into the earth. After I dodged it, the attacks rippled away past me across the grounds.

"You missed me."

Kokushibou groaned under his breath and slapped his palm to his forehead.

"Hey. Kokushibou."

He looked at me flatly.

I extended my hand to him. "You're still on the ground. Get up."

He looked at my hand, studying it as if it was a trap, before he decided to take it. It seemed to surprise him when I earnestly helped him to his feet.

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