The Degenerating Relationship

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Over a few months, I was able to make a list of about fifty possible locations where the Blue Spider Lily might have been. When I gave the list to Muzan, he seemed hopeful of it being the key to our finding the flower. He passed it on to Kokushibou, who was to work with Akaza in travelling around Japan to find the places from Douma's logs.

Muzan had anticipated that I would not be visiting Douma so often, now that he had served his purpose for the time being, narrowing down the possible locations of the Blue Spider Lily. He was not pleased to hear that I would still be visiting Douma as I had been.

"You don't need to go over there unless Kokushibou and Akaza need you to find out something else from him," Muzan said. "I want you here with me. It can be like it was before Kokushibou joined us. It'll be just you, me, and Gyokko at the castle."

Hantengu didn't live with us, as his job was to check on different demons to make sure none of them went on a mass killing spree that would catch the attention of the Demon Slayer Corps. We also told him to sneak around and find places that the elite Demon Slayers called Hashira were sent to and report back to us. We would then send Hantengu and Gyokko to those places to kill the Hashira.

"We can mix chemicals together like we used to, instead of how it became that Kokushibou would normally assist me and you only on occasion," Muzan continued.

Still, after all these centuries of trying to synthesise something, you've gotten nowhere, I thought.

"Muzan, Douma and I have quite a bit in common when we talk about this priestess, exorcist, cult type of stuff," I said. "I'm hoping that the more we have these discussions, the more he might remember about something else his father might have mentioned about the Blue Spider Lily."

Muzan sighed and folded his arms across his chest. "How long can you even stand to talk to that quack?" he asked in a flat, dry tone.

A lot longer than I can stand to talk to you right now, I thought.

"I told you, we have different things in common," I said. "Besides, I think it helps me come to terms with my own family," I added, smiling. "And with how my descendants run the Demon Slayer Corps and are out to kill me."

Muzan stared at me, almost appearing to be shocked. "Don't speak so lightly of that," he said. He touched my cheek with a soft hand. "Death will soon be just a myth for us. Once we conquer the sun and eliminate the Demon Slayer Corps, you'll never have to let that word exist anymore."

It does exist, Muzan.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me warmly.

Death is a part of the cycle of living, of existence. And someday, even we --

"Sakura, I hope you haven't given up on me."

Even we will die, Muzan.

"Given up on what?" I asked.

Hug him! My mind told me. You have to hug him!

I loosely wrapped my arms around him.

Muzan was silent for a moment before he spoke. "On me. As your husband, your protector --"

If I lacked self-control, I would have laughed.

You can't protect me. You're afraid to die, and me, I could care less if I do. I don't care if I die.

"As someone you'd smile to see, and someone who could make you happy just by being by your side."

I don't smile so much to see you anymore, I thought. Instead ...

Douma's face flashed in my mind.

I smiled and closed my eyes, holding that image in my thoughts, as I held the body that was far too skeletal and slender to be Douma's.

I smile to be with the morbid, yet joyful being, who lives for nothing else but for the fact that he exists.

Muzan sighed. "You'll be going now, won't you ...?" he asked flatly.

I loosened my hold on him and looked him in the eyes. "For a few hours. Yes."

Muzan's eyes drifted down past me towards the floor. He nodded. "Very well." He looked at me. "I'll find some things to do on my own."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. I stood there, sensing off of him that he was both hurt and resentful. However, I couldn't pick up on anything that struck me as being dangerous. Still, even thought I would go to Douma, I had to keep all I was experiencing in mind. I needed to give Muzan more attention, whether I wanted to or not. For Douma's safety. I had to.

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