Your Blood and Mine

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"We don't know!" Muzan answered. "But the light, it's --"

"It feels like it's burning us!" I chimed in, letting the blanket I was holding by my mouth fall back onto my lap. I stared at Muzan's father with panicked eyes. "Sir, please close the blinds and -- and --"

"And bring a lantern," Muzan added, a bit calmer in seeing that his father appeared to be listening to us.

Muzan's father studied us for a moment. He pointed to Muzan. "You. You will tell me whatever that doctor did." He pointed to me. "And you, Ubuyashiki." He shook his head. "You are an impossible girl. And foolish. Very foolish." He went over to the windows to close the blinds. "I'll keep the light out, but the windows have to be open. The stench here is unbearable. I don't know how the two of you could have claimed to sleep in here."

"I don't smell anything," Muzan said.

"You don't smell anything?" his father asked with a raise of his eyebrow. "Has the medicine that strange doctor given you blocked your senses?" He started to go back to the door. "A side-effect, perhaps. You seem to be less frail today, Muzan. I'm glad." He stopped at the door and turned to us. "Where is that doctor, anyway?"

Do we say he left? I asked myself.

"He left around the time Sakura came," Muzan replied calmly.

"And he let Ubuyashiki just stay with you?" his father asked with a scoff. "After advising your mother and I not to check on you until the morning due to the nature of his treatment?"

Muzan smiled. "I was doing well, Father, so he trusted his judgement at the time."

"Trusted his judgement," Muzan's father repeated. He paused. "Your mother and I will be coming with some lanterns, Muzan. You and Ubuyashiki stay put and wait."

"Yes, of course," Muzan said.

"Yes, Kibutsuji-sama."

His father left, sliding the door shut behind him.

A few seconds passed as we sat there in the darkness, silent.

Muzan started to rub my back. "My parents are very annoying sometimes," he said.

"Mhm," I responded.

What are we going to do about the bones and clothes in that cabinet?

Muzan sighed. "I hope they have a servant bring food. I'm hungry, aren't you?"

What if his parents search the room and find them?


I looked at him.

He smiled at me. "Are you hungry, too?"

"I--" My thoughts were still focused on my worries. "More thirsty than hungry."

Muzan rubbed my back some more. "I want something sweet." He looked at me. "Something sweet." His eyes moved their gaze down to my neck. He lightly moved my long, straight, black hair off of my neck. "You won't mind," he said softly and leant down to my neck.

He stuck his fangs deep into my neck and started to drink my blood. After the initial, short-lasting pain, the feeling became one of incredible pleasure. Before I knew it, I pushed his head  down closer to my shoulder. I moved his hair away from his neck to bare the side of it facing me. As he continued to drink, I focused on a spot on his clear, pale skin and leant into him to plunge my fangs into his flesh. 

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