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I couldn't isolate why I sensed there was something wrong with Tamayo. I could only sense it in a generality as getting bad vibes from her. It was as if there was a snake in the grass hidden somewhere within her otherwise typical disposition. That was the inconvenience of inheriting the Ubuyashiki foresight but never having it trained. I hadn't even been able to develop a Blood Demon Art to help improve this extra sense.

I assisted Muzan as he began to examine Tamayo, such as handing him cool cloths that I soaked in water. After doing a basic survey over Tamayo's state, Muzan spoke the same conclusion that the doctor we saw earlier said.

"She's going to die."

Asato nodded, obviously having expected such a statement.

"But there is something I can do for her."

I noticed Tamayo's attention heighten. She looked at Muzan with desperate, yet somehow suspicious eyes.

She doesn't trust him, I thought.

Asato's jaw dropped at Muzan's words. He then got down on his knees and bowed down as low as he could, his torso and elbows against the floor.

"I'm begging you," he said, trying to keep a calmness in his voice. "Do whatever you have to do in order to save her."

Muzan looked to Asato. "I understand your wish," he said. "But I have to get the consent of the patient. It's my personal rule before proceeding with any treatment." He looked at Tamayo. "There are some inconvenient side effects to the treatment I can offer you. But I can guarantee you, your illness will no longer ail you."

She still doesn't trust us, I thought, studying Tamayo's face.

Asato got up from the floor. "Tamayo," he said with a gentle urgency. "Whatever it is, we can get through it together."

But she's going to agree.

Tamayo stared at Muzan.

All because her husband can't bear to lose her.

"What kind of side effect?" Tamayo asked.

"You won't be able to go out in the sun," Muzan answered. "You'll have to live in artificial light and only go outdoors after sundown. If the sun's rays hit you, it could be deadly." He paused for a second. "Naturally, this is something that will impact every aspect of life as you know it to be. But you will be alive and well. Very much alive and well."

I watched Tamayo hesitating to speak.

"She'll do it. She'll do it," Asato said. He approached the futon Tamayo was on and knelt down beside it. He took Tamayo's hand. "We'll manage this. It'll be fine."

Tamayo gazed up blankly at Muzan. "I agree. Perform the treatment."

Muzan smiled. "A wise decision." He looked to Asato. "You'll need to step away out of the room while we work," he said. "It's a very specific procedure and we can't have any distractions."

"O-of course," Asato said. He looked at Tamayo and kissed her hand before getting up and taking his children out of the room. He then slid the door shut behind him.

Muzan watched as the door closed. "Darling," he said to me. "Stabilise Tamayo's body."

I knelt behind her so that her head was by my knees. I put my hands on her shoulders, holding her down onto the futon.

Muzan looked at Tamayo, who appeared increasingly uncomfortable with how the situation was progressing. "Sorry, but we can't have you squirming," he said. "What I'm about to do is very, very precise." He raised his hand and extended his index finger. His fingernail grew and sharpened, turning a light blue in colour.

Tamayo's eyes widened. "What ... is this ...?" she asked.

Muzan placed the tip of his claw-like fingernail in the middle of Tamayo's forehead. "Now be silent and clear your mind," he said. With a focused calmness, he concentrated on the spot he was touching and stabbed his finger through Tamayo's skull.

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