Douma's Theory (Part 2)

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I stared at him. I had to repeat his question to myself in my mind.

Did he really ask me what I thought he did ...?

"Out in the sunlight?" I asked.

"I understand why you wouldn't want to try," Douma said. "But if a Sun Breathing Demon Slayer transferred some of his power to you, it's possible that you might have sun resis--"

"That's impossible."

My heart started to pound in my chest.

"It's not possible."

Douma looked at me with concerned eyes. "Maybe not. I'm sorry. I haven't been a demon long enough to know if such theories are rubbish or not."

I can't go out in the sunlight ... it's not possible ...

"Let's forget I said anything, Sakura-chan."

I don't want to go out in the sunlight and die. I don't want to die!

My eyes popped open wide.

Why ... why do I care if I die?

My hands snapped to my hair and grabbed at it, as if ready to yank it out from my scalp. I screamed. "Fuck! Why am I caring if I die!? Why!?" I looked to Douma, panting, almost nearing the point of losing my breath. I watched his silent, startled expression. "It's your fault."

"My fault?" Douma asked. "But, if you don't want to, no one can make you go out in the --"

"It's your fault!" I yelled.

Douma froze again.

I watched him. He obviously didn't know what to do, and I didn't even know what I could possibly want him to do. I felt a bit guilty, cornering him into such a position. The grip my hands had on my hair loosened until they let go, and my arms slowly fell to my sides.

"It's your fault, Douma, that I don't want to die," I said. "Yours. Sort of Gyokko's. But I don't really care about him. No, I do. I don't. He's disgusting. But you ..."  I stared at Douma. "And you made it your fault again." My lips twisted into a smile beyond my control. "Why did you bring those stupid humans to me ...?"

"I ... I felt it was the right thing to do at the time ..."

"Why didn't you take them?"

"I can't make demons."

There was a pause of silence. My hands balled up into fists.

"Why do I care about them?" I asked. "I should have made them demons and sent them away. Instead, they're living at my personal wing at the Castle."

There was silence again.

"You can relate to the boy. Something about him reminds you of yourself," Douma then said.

I stared at him.

"That's why I couldn't leave him to die."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Douma smiled. "There. Like that. There's a similarity between you and him."

"He isn't anything like me."

"It's not just the temper, and you're much better at controlling yours, anyway," Douma said. "It's also this ... how do I put it ... dedication he has in protecting his sister. You always want to protect Muzan. I know you do." He then snickered. "Don't worry, Sakura- chan, I'm not implying that you've got any problem with your hair." He snickered some more. "That boy did have a lot of dandruff. What was his name, again?"

"Gyutaro," I replied flatly.

"Such a weird name --"

"For a weird boy."

Douma laughed.

Somehow, I smiled. For a short while, we just stood there, awkwardly looking at each other.

"You know, I don't think I would die if I go out in the sun," I said.

"Well, I think you're sun resistant --"

"No. I mean, if I can get shelter right away once the sun starts to burn me, I won't die," I said. "It's being left out there with nowhere to escape to that would kill a demon."

Douma's eyes lit up. "Ah! You just have to, for example, go outside from the temple around sunrise, and if you start to burn, come back in. It's simple!"

"True." I cocked my head to the side. "But still, a lot simpler for you than it would be for me."

"What? No! I'd be terrified for you, Sakura-chan!" He paused. "And for me, as well! If you get burnt-up, I'm sure Muzan will find out and kill me."

"Huh?" I then smiled. "I don't think that's a problem if I get inside soon enough. The burns will heal, definitely in a couple hours."

"Still, you never can really know ..." Douma said. "But, I'm confident there won't be a problem. And if there is --" He scratched his head and laughed a little. "I guess, if I'm killed, then I'm killed. It would be my time, you know, and that's fine, because I learnt to feel something through you. I've found my inner peace. I'd just prefer for you to kill me, instead of Muzan being the one to do it, but either way, I'll wait for you in Hell."

"Wait for me in Hell?"

He smiled. "Well, I'm not going to search for my parents over there."

I laughed. "All right, sure," I said. "But you're not dying, Douma, and I'm not getting burnt-up as long as I come inside right away. And anyway, if something happens that we don't expect, I'll take full responsibility. Muzan will never find out that you were involved."

"But how?" he asked.

"I'll figure it out, don't worry," I said. "We can't do this experiment right away anyway, because I need Gyuutarou and Ume to have a routine for themselves and depend on me for anything first. And I'm going to have to find a way to not be at the Castle at the time of sunrise without Muzan realising I'm gone ..." I thought for a moment. "It'll take some time to put this together, but we'll do it. I'll face the sunlight."

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