60 Years Later

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"Yoriichi is dead."

The room was filled with a dead silence. I couldn't believe what I heard and I doubted if I even heard correctly. "Yoriichi is dead" -- those were the unattainable words of freedom I had waited for during the past decades. Those 60 years bound to the residence we occupied felt much longer than my entire lifespan before our encounter with Yoriichi did.

"Are you absolutely certain it was him?" Muzan asked from his position across from me, a small square table holding an ongoing game of go between us.

"I am," Kokushibou replied. "He even recognised me as his brother. Without a doubt, it was he, and I killed him."

I didn't know what to feel or what to think. An excitement to see the outside was brewing inside of me, yet the time in Muzan's "self-imprisonment" had sucked so much life from me that I wasn't sure if I could even feel enthusiasm anymore.

"You'll be rewarded greatly for this, Kokushibou," Muzan said. "You have rid the world of the monster who stained his hands with your Master's blood. You have earned only my highest esteem."

Kokushibou bowed. "The honour is mine, Muzan-sama."

I've waited 60 years for this ... I thought.

"Take a rest and do whatever you would like," Muzan said. "A long, warm bath, for example. Later in the night, the three of us can have some drinks to celebrate this wonderful news."

The sake again ... I thought and almost rolled my eyes.

We had been so bored cooped up in the castle that we had Kokushibou steal different kinds of sake for us and slowly introduced it to our diet. Although it was still a "human food", it didn't induce such uncontrollable vomiting. It only tasted bad at first until our bodies got used to it. We ended up doing the same with tea, as well.

"I'll take a long bath and then bring the drinks for our celebration, Muzan-sama," Kokushibou said.

Muzan smiled confidently, as if beginning to feel the world slip back into the realm of his control. "There's no need to rush. Take your time. Sakura and I have a game to finish." He glanced at me. "And I'm winning. Ha, ha."

I stared at him.

Do you mean, we aren't going outside!? I thought angrily.

Kokushibou bowed again. "As you wish, Muzan-sama," he said and started to leave the room.

That damn Yoriichi is dead! Let's go somewhere!

Muzan turned his attention to me. He snickered very lightly, almost giggling. "No matter how much time passes, I'll always be better than you at these games." He moved a piece on the board. "Your turn."

He's seriously going to keep sitting here playing this stupid game.

"I can move one of your pieces for you and give you a hint how you can get farther ahead." He rubbed his chin. "I see an excellent opportunity for you here, but I'm not sure if you're going to take it."

I really hate you sometimes, Muzan.

"Sakura? Are you all right?" he asked.

Oh right. I have to interact with him. Shit.

Muzan sighed and scratched his head. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't tell you how to play. Continue on however you'd like."

He's sensing that I'm mad at him and thinks it's because of fucking go.

"But just make a move, any move, because I want to keep playing."

He's a dimwitted, conceited shithead who can't guess in his wildest dreams that I would truly be angry with him.

"I'm becoming impatient," he said in a teasing, childish tone.

So am I. I want to leave this fucking trashy castle, I thought and then smiled at Muzan, trying to emit a lighter disposition.

"Muzan-kun, I think I'll get us a drink. What do you say?" I moved a piece on the board in a random spot for my turn.

Muzan's jaw dropped open a little and he stared at the piece I had just moved. "You'll only get farther behind with that."


He looked at me, smiling with his lips.

"Don't you think we should have a little private celebration, just the two of us, before Kokushibou's ready?"

Muzan's eyes lit up. His smile broadened on his face. "I was thinking after we drink with Kokushibou."

"Hm ... but what if we get a little too tired for that?"

I'll make sure you get too tired for that, because you're not getting anything from me, Muzan.

"Let's do it. I'll come with you," Muzan said.

"No, no, don't bother. I'll get the drinks." I stood up and stretched. "I could use some moving around after sitting here, anyway. You seem comfortable as you are."

I want to get away from you, even for ten minutes. You're staying here.

Muzan snickered. "So then, you'll treat me by serving me a little?" he asked, starting to blush.

It's your fault anyway that we ended up like this.

"Yes. Of course." I smiled and walked over to him. 

Everything is your fault, Muzan. All of it.

I reached down to toy with his hair, that extended halfway down his back."You look so handsome now that you've grown you hair out." With a light snicker, I twirled some of it around my finger. "It took some years for you to grow it to the length it used to be, before you cut it short."

He started to feel at my body. "You are my gorgeous love and all mine." He brought his face to my thighs and started to nuzzle it against me. "My perfect everything that no one will take away from me." He sighed. "Sit on my lap. Just for a few minutes before you fetch the sake."

I lightly pushed his head away from my legs and peeled him off of me. "You need to think over your little proclamations of love," I said teasingly and took a step back from him. "You were much more eloquent a long time ago. You've gotten lazy, Muzan-kun."

Muzan pouted slightly, playing along with the game. "Not lazy. Maybe I've lost some of my boyish passion."

"Try to get that back, just for fun," I said. "Ah! The drinks will help! I'll get them now."

Muzan looked at me with soft eyes. "Then, do you want me to write you a love letter?"

I nodded. "Try that."

"Like before we became demons. It's silly." He snickered. "But it's very silly."

"It'll help your passion come back," I said and made my way out of the room. "I'll take my time but not be too long."

Once I was out of the room, I felt like pulling my hair out. He was sickening to me. Not unbearably sickening, but sickening. I just wanted to knock him out with having enough sake and then go outside, even for a half hour before sunrise.

I was relieved to be away from him. It was as if I could breathe better not being suffocated by his energy. I never thought it would end up meaning so much to me to have my own space.

He's fucking mental, I thought as I stormed through the house.

I was almost at the room we kept the drinks in.

I wish I could get away from him forev--


"Damn it," I uttered and rubbed my head after slamming into a body.

When I brought my hand away from my face and opened my eyes, I looked down to see Kokushibou in a thin white kimono kneeling and bowed-over on the floor.

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