Kokushibou and Sake

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Kokushibou didn't respond. He sat  facing the wall with his back to me.


His shoulder twitched, but he still didn't respond.

"How long are you going to be mad at me?"

He was still silent.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Have it your way. You're a sore loser, aren't you?"

"I did not lose."

I smirked. "Are you sure about that, Michi?"

"Stop trying to get to me. It's not working.'

It obviously is, though.

"You lost to Douma."

"I did not."

"You did."

"He just  caught me off guard."

"And you lost."

"And you held me in place while he experimented with his ice and used me as a target."

I smiled.

"You play dirty, Sakura -- Sakuri -- Saki -- Sa--"

"Are you trying to find a 'Michi' version of my name?"

Kokushibou got quiet.

"Oops. I guess you were."

Kokushibou stood up. He was still facing the wall. "I could use some sake after babysitting you and Douma."

"You're the babysitter?" I asked. "I thought that was me."

Kokushibou turned to glare at me. I waved at him.

"Hm. You've been drinking," he said.

"No. I just ate some onigiri that Douma had around."

Kokushibou stared at me. "Where is Douma?"

"In the other room."

"Why aren't you with him?"

"He's asleep. And he's talking in his sleep. It's annoying."

"Grow a pair and deal with it." Kokushibou came over and plopped himself down on the cushion next to me.

I studied him for a moment. All of his eyes were looking away from me except for one of his upper ones that was partially hidden by his bangs. "Okay, I will," I said and started to get up.

Kokushibou put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me down. "No."

"I thought you wanted me to go."

"I don't," he said with an awkward tension in his voice.

"Are you sure?"

All of his eyes looked at me. "I told you I want you to stay. With me. Here. With me." He cleared his throat and turned his face away from me.


There was silence again.

"Do you want some onigiri? And that sake?" I asked.


"I have to get up to bring it to you."

"Fine. Just come back."

I got some sake and a bowl of onigiri from Douma's kitchen. When I walked back into the room Kokushibou was in, I was startled by his eyes intently staring at the doorway as he waited for me.

"What?" he asked.

I shook my head a little. "Nothing. Never mind." I brought the items to the table.

Kokushibou looked at me oddly as I set down the bowl and bottle. "No glasses?" he asked.

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