Gyutaro's Return

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It was almost another two weeks later when Douma brought Gyutaro back. He showed up to my wing with his hand on Gyutaro's shoulder, calling, "Yoo-hoo! Sakura-chan!"

Luckily, I was in my wing and not particularly busy, so I found Douma in the room I had given to Gyutaro and Daki.

"Ooh! I'm glad you arrived so fast!" Douma laughed. "Gyutaro's gotten pretty sick of me, haven't you Gyutaro-kun?" He patted him on the shoulder.

"I've been with you for too long," he said in a grumbling voice.

"Ah! You see? He's not yelling!" Douma winked at me.

Gyutaro stared at me. I could see in his eyes that he wished to spin around and slice Douma's head in half. But, he did nothing and said nothing. That was a huge improvement. Besides that, he was standing straighter and his hair seemed a bit tamer and better taken care of.

Hey, Douma actually achieved something here, I thought.

"What do you think, Sakura-chan? Hm? Hm?"

I looked to Douma and smiled. "Douma, will you leave?" I asked.

"Ehm ... huh?" he asked with a cute expression on his face.

"You aren't supposed to be at the castle, and I can see you've made great progress with Gyutaro." I shot Gyutaro an encouraging glance. "So, Douma ... leave, please."

Douma pouted. "Oh, Sakura-chan, you don't have to do this," he said in a light whining tone. "I've been solely with Gyutaro-kun and my followers for almost six weeks now! I miss you so much and I'd just like to see you for a while!"

"I've got business with Gyutaro. Leave."

His pout resembled that of a small child's. "Is Gyokko here so I can say hello to him?"

"He's out with Hantengu. Leave."

Gyutaro smirked.

Douma folded his arms across his chest. "Fine, go on and spoil my evening. I won't mind one bit." He stuck his nose up in the air and left.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Seriously, Douma?" I said to myself.

"Does he always do things like this?" Gyutaro asked.

I looked at him. "Yeah."

"So, he's kinda like Daki." He snickered.

"Ehm ... maybe?" I scratched my head. "I don't know, really."

Gyutaro laughed.

"Anyway, back to you," I said. I walked over to him. "You look great, my cute little Dandruff Boy!" I exclaimed proudly and patted him on the head.

Gyutaro blushed. "M-me?" he asked. "Cute?"

"Mhm!" I nodded. "You look very cute."

Gyutaro blushed brightly in his cheeks. He then grinned. "Then, you're pretty yourself, Scarface!" He snickered awkwardly.

I smiled. "So then, Gyutaro, now that you're calmer and found some self-control, I've got a question for you."

"Huh?" he asked with a shy expression on his face.

"Will you be my bodyguard?"

He stared at me in disbelief. "Me? Your what?" he asked.

"My bodyguard," I replied. I pointed to my face. "You know, so something like this doesn't happen to me again."

"You think I can do that?" he asked.

"Of course. That's why I'm asking you to do it. I had it in mind for a while. I just needed you to develop some more self-control first. And besides, you're made with my blood, Gyutaro. You're capable of anything, because that alone makes you a very strong demon. So, what do you say?"

Gyutaro smiled. His smile got larger and he chuckled a little. "You know I'll do it!" he exclaimed, and stood there in front of me beaming with pride.

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