A Soft and Bored Bodyguard

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"Oi." Gyutaro poked me at my upper arm. "You've been reading and making notes all night."

I ignored him and continued with my task.

Gyutaro went over to the other side of my body. "Oi." He poked me in the arm.

I ignored him again.

Gyutaro groaned. He plopped his chin on my shoulder. "Are you done with that yet?"


"Train me." He poked me at my waist.

I pushed my hand to his face and shoved him off of me.

"Aargh! Don't do that!"

"I'm busy. Find something to do."

Gyutaro rubbed his face. "I'm bored. Train me."

"You're like a 5 year old."

"I'm not a kid! I'm 23 years old!"

"Then act it."

Gyutaro growled under his breath and sat on the floor with a thud.

I jotted down a couple other locations that fit the 1708 summer earthquake and festival time frame. "Where's Daki?" I asked flatly. "Find something to do with her."

"I get sick of her sometimes, ya know?"

"Oh. Then she went to check on that hut you two used to live at."

Gyutaro said nothing.

"Okay. She did." I rolled up the scroll and put it back in the box.

"I'm never going back to that fucking hut," Gyutaro said.

I took another scroll out of the box. "I don't blame you. So, go take a nap. I'll train you once I'm finished with this scroll."

"I don't need a damn nap."

"Yes you do."

"I don't."

I sighed. "It'll rejuvenate you some before I train you."

"I'll sit right here."

"Okay. But don't complain that you're tired and blame it on me for having you wait too long."

"I won't." He started to inch over to me.

I said nothing and wrote down another location.

Gyutaro made his way over to me and lay his head on my upper thigh. He closed his eyes and made himself comfortable.

I paused and looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"You said to take a nap."

"Not like this."

He was silent.

I stared at him for several seconds. "Gyutaro. Get off me."

I realised that his head had gotten noticeably heavier. He had fallen asleep.

"What the hell, Fleabag," I mumbled and went back to reading through the different log entries by Douma's father.

I didn't disturb him. He wasn't getting in the way. He was just weird and I didn't know what to do with him.

It took a while for Gyutaro to become much less dependent on me. Daki acted independently very fast, working and functioning on her own since I had sent Gyutaro to stay with Douma for several weeks. However, Gyutaro remained very attached to me, not just for the purpose of being trained and acting as my bodyguard, but for his own rather evident personal reasons. It did work out in a beneficial way, since Gyutaro grew and developed a lot as a demon. He quickly became extremely strong and continued to surprise me with his abilities. He even one day developed a poison to his Blood Demon Art that was of a similar composition to the poison I used to rot human flesh.

It took about 20 years for Gyutaro to start occasionally joining his sister in the Red Light District. He was finally getting tired enough of me that he needed his own time away, or at least, that was the way I liked to think of it. I informed Douma, and we set a date to do our sun exposure experiment at his temple.

Now all I needed to do was find a way to leave the Castle late at night without Muzan knowing.

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