His Best Friend

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"Patrol day and night around the Castle in case Kamado Tanjuro or Tamayo decide to invade," Muzan commanded us to Akaza.

"Yes, Muzan-sama," he said with a bow.

Muzan had been repeating the same orders every few hours for the past couple days. Akaza was always to patrol the Castle in search for invaders, Nakime was to keep alert for invaders from her position in the large entry room, and Kokushibou was to remain by Muzan's side, prepared to defend him with his life. On top of that, Muzan, convinced that somehow Kamado Tanjuro had caught on to his energy, altered his appearance to be that of a woman's.

At least he didn't request any shapeshifting from me. Altering my body wasn't my specialty, though I could do it to some extent as an adopted Blood Demon Art from consuming Muzan's blood regularly. I really didn't want to waste my energy on such a task.

"If you get a telepathic warning from me, flee immediately to that Douma's cult," Muzan had told me.

He truly believed that he, Kokushibou, and Akaza could take on a Sun Breather on their own.

"You can't be here, because then that so-called bodyguard of yours will get in the way and get us all killed," Muzan had said.

Well, he was right about that.

"Knock him over the head and bring him with you to Douma's," I remembered Muzan also saying.

It didn't matter. I didn't think that Kamado Tanjuro had sensed us. And even if he knew of us from Tamayo, he didn't seem to be trained. As far as I was concerned, there was no danger besides that which lived in Muzan's head.

I just wanted to go about my life and ignore Muzan for now.

I went over to my wing. When I was in the corridor, I could hear the voices of Gyutaro and Daki from inside their room. It sounded like they were arguing.

"Ugh. Again?" I said to myself and rubbed my head.

May as well see what this is about.

"Stop bothering me! Stop following me around!" I made out Daki's yelling as I reached the door.

"If I don't, then who's gonna clean up after your messes, huh!?" came Gyutaro's angry voice.

I stood by the door and listened.

"Shut up!" Daki screamed. "I don't need you! I'm sick of hearing your ugly voice and seeing your ugly face around me!"

What did she just say? I thought.

There was no response from Gyutaro.

"Why do I have to have a brother as ugly as you!" came Daki's voice. "I can't stand it! I can't take it anymore!"

There was still no reply from Gyutaro.

I'm going in there, I thought and started to slide the door open.

"I don't need you to help me put my head on!" Daki continued. She pounded the floor with a fist. "I'm not stupid! stop treating me like I'm a stupid child, you useless moron!"

Something twisted in my muscles. I jolted to Daki and threw my hand over her mouth.

"Sakura?" Gyutaro asked in a weakened, defeated voice.

Daki stared up at me with round, bulging eyes.

"If you're going to live here," I said coldly. "You will not speak that way to someone I care about."

A bead of sweat rolled down Daki's forehead as she stared at me in fear.

"You have another place to go in the Red Light District," I continued in the same tone of voice. "If you're going to be in this kind of mood, beating down on someone I care about, then leave. Go to the Red Light District and stay there until you calm down."

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