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When I got outside, I saw Gyutaro sitting in front of the building, slouching and moping. I could tell by the expression on his face that he was very hurt, just as Douma had said.


"Did you vomit yet?"

"I'm sorry."

He said nothing.

"It was wrong to say what I did. I'm sorry."

"But you meant it," he said.

I didn't know how to respond. In some ways, I did mean it, but I also didn't at the same time.

"You did. You meant it," Gyutaro said.

I felt ashamed of myself.

"It's because I remember when I first met you, and how dirty you were. The fleas, the dandruff, the stink --"

"I don't need to hear that."

I paused. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"You're tactless. Like me," Gyutaro said. "And spoilt like Daki, because you were born beautiful. Except worse, because you were born beautiful and rich." He stood up and brushed himself off. "It's fine. I'm not mad. You've put an emotional scar on me, but who hasn't. Even Daki has. It's not like she appreciates me, either. Only when she needs me for something."

I stepped closer to him. "I don't need you in the way Daki does," I said. "I don't need your help. I need to be there to help you." I went to him and straightened out how his kimono lay on his shoulders. "I can value myself when I help you."

Gyutaro sighed. "What the hell are you blabbering about?"

I rubbed his shoulder. "Never mind. Let's go."

I walked on ahead of him. Shortly after we were both on our way, Gyutaro caught up to me and took my arm. 

"I'll escort you," he said. "If you aren't too disgusted by me."

"I'm not disgusted by you."

"I'll choose to believe you," he said. "But even if I didn't, I'd still stay with you, because helping you gives me my value." He smiled a little. "Not just helping Daki, but helping someone as irreplaceable as you."

"You're too kind and sensitive to have become a demon," I said.

"I am?" He laughed. "Don't tell me you forgot all the times you've seen me torture one of those pretty boy humans I envy so much." He laughed again and pat me on the shoulder. "You're funny, conveniently forgetting details like that and calling me kind. We both know I'm a horrible person, but people made me that way, so they're just paying me back for the pain they've caused me."

"Hm, so how do you expect me to pay you back, since I left you an emotional scar just now?"

Gyutaro scratched his head. "Nothing. I got a little mad and I got over it fast." He looked at me and tugged at my arm. "Why? Do you want me to collect from you?" He snickered.

I laughed. "No."

He snickered some more with a sly smile on his face. "Ya sure?"

I looked at him. "What's with the naughty smile?"

Gyutaro pulled at his eye and stuck his tongue out at me.

I laughed. "Okay, you're cute and silly."

He playfully sneered at me. "Y'know, that's supposed to be payback for saying something rotten about me, but no, you laugh and call me silly." He took my arm and put it around his shoulder. "Typical of you," he added with a grin.

I let him keep my arm around his shoulder. It was the least I could do, given how happy it made him.

"By the way," I said after we walked a bit more. "Don't tell your sister about what you heard about the Blue Spider Lily. Or about anything that happened at Douma's."

"Why would I tell her?"

"I don't know. I don't know what you talk about with her. Or what slips out when you argue with each other."

Gyutaro sighed. "No, nothing like that'll happen," he said. "I wouldn't bring up anything weird or complex when arguing with her. I know what little her brain can understand. She's not as smart as I am, ya know."

"Oh. Okay. Well, keep it like that."

She's really not that stupid. She's rehearsed a routine that works to manipulate him. But I'm not going there. Nope.

"Oi," he said some moments later.


He started to stroke my hand that was on his shoulder. "You know how Douma said maybe someone knew you're looking for that flower and destroyed it?"


"I was thinking ..." He looked at me. "Do you think that creepy wisteria woman might have done it?"

I was surprised that he remembered the incidence well enough to form such a hypothesis. It was true that the experience was terrifying for him, but it was several decades ago.

"Yeah," I replied. "I think that's very possible."

Gyutaro scowled a bit. "I'll get her," he said. "I'll make her pay for causing trouble to you."

"I appreciate your determination, but you know, you really have to be careful." I rubbed his shoulder. "Don't act impulsively on this."

"I'm not acting impulsively. I'm thinking this through. And I'm gonna get that sneaky bitch and bring her head to you."

I sighed. "Gyutaro ..." I rubbed his shoulder again and pulled him closer to my side.

"Huh?" He stumbled a little into my body.

"Let's work on this together, 'kay?" I smiled at him. "You need me and I need you if we're going to find out if Tamayo is behind this. So, what do you say, my sweet little boy? You'll work with me and not go off rogue on your own, right?"

Gyutaro's mouth dropped open. "Huh?" he blurted out. "How'd we get from me making you vomit or somethin' to this sweet little boy crap? And I'm not a sweet little boy, I'm a bodyguard and a debt collector and there's nothing sweet or little about me!"

"And, you're my bodyguard and my debt collector," I said, smiling, and tugged him closer against me.

"I was never your debt collector, but --"

"You are now. You are whatever I say you are."

Gyutaro squirmed a little against my body. "This is really close and you're wearing that shirt with the button-downs that fits really, really nice on you." He awkwardly scratched himself at his forehead. "Too nice on you."

"Oh? It's too much for you?"

"Of course it's too much for me!" Gyutaro yelled.

I let go of him. "Oops. Sorry about that." I quickened my pace ahead of him.

Gyutaro didn't move. He stood there, slouching and with his fingers scratching himself at his hairline. "Wait a minute ..." he said. He then screamed and slashed himself down his face. "I know what you're doing! Hey! Hey!"

"Hurry up, or you'll get left behind, Gyutaro!" I called to him and started to speed off.

He started to run after me. "Hey! Don't leave me here! Stop this! It's not even funny! Hey!" He grit his teeth and growled. "Fine! I'll do as you say about that fucking Tamayo! Do ya hear me!? So stop pissing me off and teasing me! Sakura!" 

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