Life as Demons

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That night, we packed up as much as we could into sacks and ran away. We couldn't stay there, and we had to get as far away as possible. While we were packing, Muzan considered burning down the house at the estate. I discouraged him from the idea. Burning down such a huge house would take too much effort and get too much attention. Besides, if the estate were left in-tact, we could return someday, at least to steal some valuables to sell for money.

The main thing to do then was to hide out. I knew that my older brother would hire people to search for us once learning that our parents were killed at the Kibutsuji estate and that we were nowhere to be found. There wasn't much ground we could cover before daybreak, so we found a shrine located outside the town, killed its keeper, and spent a day there in the cellar.

We avoided being found and eventually stole some horses to travel quickly to a far-away corner of Japan. From there, we worked as assassins for a noble family for many years, before we realised that we couldn't age. Out of fear of being found out to be demons and targetted, we killed the nobles and disguised ourselves as them. A few decades later, we ran off to a different part of Japan and inhabited an abandoned building for a while.

This type of cycle continued for many, many decades. It was rather lucrative, especially with the warring clans constantly becoming at odds with each other. We never found ourselves short of "food" and we were able to work at night. We had consistent, stable lodging, and both Muzan and I noticed our demon powers growing stronger the more humans we killed.

There was still one major problem -- that we had to avoid the sunlight. This greatly troubled Muzan. He started to become obsessed with finding a cure for this part of our condition. He had with him a list of ingredients -- a sort of recipe -- for the medicine he took the night he became a demon. With the most prominent ingredient being the blue spider lily flower, Muzan and I tried asking people about it. Unfortunately for us, no one had ever heard about it and were unable to help us.

We started experimenting with turning humans into demons by giving them various amounts of our blood. The idea was Muzan's. He thought that if we created demons and one of them was able to survive in the sunlight, we could devour that demon and gain its power. I wasn't sure if that would even work, but I agreed to Muzan's plan. At least it was a plan, and I personally had none of my own to suggest.

The amount of demons we were creating quickly grew a bit out of hand. Some of them apparently wiped out entire villages and massacred families. Because the number was too much for us to keep track of, Muzan asked me to bind all demons with a curse that would strengthen the connection between them and him.

"Something to keep them in fear of us and also to protect our anonymity," he had said. "Perhaps that they can't speak our name, Kibutsuji, and if they do, they die immediately."

To Muzan's request, I implemented the curse. After all, it did protect our anonymity, especially at a time that we were being paid increasingly higher sums of money to be nighttime assasins.

Everyone else was afraid to take on such a job since the demons were out only at night.

That was how we lived, until our lives unexpectedly changed close to 300 years after we became demons.

I noticed that I was gaining weight in my stomach, despite that I wasn't eating more than usual, and sometimes I would feel nauseous without warning. After some months, it was very clear that I was pregnant.

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