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As the night went on, Kokushibou did return from his work with Muzan, proposing that we train again. Out of my uneasiness towards waiting for Gyutaro to return, I refused him. Oddly enough, it seemed to affect him on a personal level.

"Is it that you're displeased with our work together or are you angry with me for putting Gyutaro in his place?" When I didn't answer, he came closer to me. "Sakura?"

"I'm not mad and nothing's bothering me."

"I ... I see." Kokushibou poked himself in the eye while moving his bangs out of his face. "Ow."

I turned to look at him. "You're doing that on purpose, Michikatsu."

"I am not."


I sighed. "Go to bed, will you? The sun's coming up in about an hour, anyway."

"Something is troubling you." He put his hand on my shoulder.

I jerked my shoulder away. "Piss off for a while!"

My outburst seemed to shock him. I was pleased when he just stood there and accepted it instead of getting to his knees, bowing, and formally apologising. 

I tightened my fists. "I'm going to bed," I snarled and walked past him.

Damn that Gyutaro. He isn't coming back, is he. Daki's probably pulled him into some kind of mess.

I made my way to the wing I shared with Muzan. I sensed Kokushibou following at a distance. He wasn't getting in my way, so I ignored him.

He didn't follow me inside the wing, but I knew that he was sitting outside like some kind of guard dog, and he probably would stay there until nightfall.

Fine. It'll be at his own exhaustion, I thought and entered the bedroom I shared with Muzan.

Muzan was inside, clothed in his sleepwear and reading a book. He smiled when he saw me.

"It's a novel translated from the West," he said, holding up the book. "Would you like me to read some of it to you?"

"Yeah. After I change."

At least it will help get my mind off of that idiot Fleabag.

To my convenience, I had already cleaned up after Gyutaro left, so I just had to change from my loungewear into my sleepwear. Once I was dressed in my silk light purple kimono top and shorts, I joined Muzan on the futon.

Muzan read to me. I fell asleep fast, my head in his lap as he stroked my hair. His voice calmly lulled me to sleep and cleared my mind from my troubling thoughts ...

... until I was jolted awake by a stabbing pain in the side of my neck. The pain was slowly inching towards my throat, as if it was trying to cut off my head from the inside. My blood started to boil, and the next time I blinked my eyes, I saw the image of the Red Light District being completely up in flames. The face of the boy we ran into from the city came into my view, one of Gyutaro's sickles stabbed through his jaw. The boy's eyes were completely white, as if his eyeballs had rolled back in his head.

Gyutaro's head is being cut off!

I was so swallowed up by the visions and sensations I was getting that I didn't hear Muzan calling my name. I broke away from him and sped as fast as I could out of the room, zooming past Kokushibou as I left the wing.

Gyutaro is dying! He's dying!

I was almost at the front door to the Castle.

Not if I can help it!

The Demon QueenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora