The New Clothes

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"What's wrong with you?"

Gyutaro was rolling on the floor laughing, seeing me dressed in a light grey suit with the white fedora.

"Why is this so funny to you?"

He continued to laugh in an obnoxious, high-pitched tone. "You look so silly in those clothes, Scarfce!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "And what's this, Fleabag?" I pointed to his bare, bony torso. "You think you can hang obi sashes over your shoulders instead of wearing a kimono?"

Gyutaro's laughter settled down, though he was still snickering and chuckling. "I can show off these muscles your training has given me, even though I'm skin and bone in the middle."

"Have more self respect. Put something on."

Gyutaro scratched his head. His snickers stopped. "Come on, don't be so stiff and uptight. This ain't the time period you're from. Man, it's not even my time period anymore, not after all that political crap going on. And you know it too, because --" He put his hand to his mouth and started to giggle. "Because look at yourself in those goofy clothes!"

"They're a status symbol," I said and rolled my eyes.

He continued to giggle. "And they fit close to your body," he said, staring mischievously in the direction of my hips. "You're showing off everything, aren't ya?"

I released a tentacle from my body and hit him on the head, pushing him down to the floor. His chin hit the floor with a thud, but he didn't react and kept his eyes looking up towards my hips.

"It hurts, but ..." He smiled like a bashfully aroused teenage boy. "That's fine ..." He giggled.

I sucked the tentacle back into my body. "You're pathetic."

His eyes rose their gaze slowly up bast my belt to my shirt and followed the buttons up. They stopped at the middle of my chest. "Y'know, my sister's bigger, but that shirt gives my imagination something to work with."

Yuck! I thought.

"Damn, you're sick," I said. "Honestly, Gyutaro, I pity you."

"You don't have to pity me, Sakura. Believe me, you don't have to pity me." His smile became immaturely lustful.

Yuck again!

"Fuck this, I'm going over to Douma's," I said. I started to turn away and then stopped. I turned back to face Gyutaro, smirking at him. "I'll bring the melon I have outside over to him, too."

Gyutaro snapped out of his arousal daze. "You've got melon?" he blurted out.

"Yup!" I turned back around to make my way out.

"No no no!" He jumped to his feet and raced over to me. "Wait!" He grabbed my arm as I was nearing the door.

I snickered to myself and looked back over my shoulder at him.

"Hey, I --" He tugged on my arm. "I want melon."

"Hmm ..." I said. I turned to face him and put my hand to my chin. "I don't know. You're really heated up and I think you should cool down first."

"Melon will cool me down and my pants are baggy, you won't see anything."

My jaw dropped.

Did he just say what I --?

Gyutaro grew pale. He stared at me, frozen.

Ah, so he didn't even realise he said that.

His face turned beet red.

I grinned.

Well, this heated him more all over.

I threw my head back and started to laugh. I kept laughing as Gyutaro stood there, shrinking inside of himself.

He then tugged on my arm. "Oi."

I kept laughing.

He tugged again. "Sakura."

I was still laughing.

Gyutaro let go of my arm and hugged me.

I stopped laughing. I felt Gyutaro lay his face on my shoulder.

"Look, I'm embarrassed now, so will you pat me on the head and we can have melon? Please?"

I looked down at him. "You're embarrassed?"

"Mm." He nodded into my shoulder.

I sighed. "Okay." I pat him on the head.

"That's nice ..." Gyutaro rose his face from my shoulder and stopped hugging me. He had a very calm smile on his face. "So ... melon?" he asked. "I'll behave. I promise."

I smiled. "Yeah. Melon. Come on," I said. I took Gyutaro's hand and led him outside to the porch.

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