The White Fedora

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The moment he put the white fedora hat on his head, Muzan smiled. "This --" He went over to a store mirror. "This makes me an entirely new man!"

I followed him to the mirror, seeing the reflection of his beaming smile. I was surprised to see him that way. He would never behave so childishly in public.

Muzan spun around on his heels to face me. "What do you think?" he asked and pointed to the hat.

"Ehm, I --" I hesitated, not prepared for his question.

I think it looks kind of stupid, but ...

I smiled at him. "It makes you look very handsome, Muzan."

Muzan laughed. It was a light, innocent kind of laugh that escaped his throat. A bit of pink formed in his cheeks. "Darling, come look in the mirror with me." He took my hand and brought me to the mirror so that we stood side by side. "This is a perfect, lovely couple, don't you think?"

We did look very fetching together. And Muzan's smile and enthusiasm for the white fedora only made our reflections brighter. It reminded me of his disposition from before the tragedies in our lives piled up and took away that smile.

Putting that into perspective, I couldn't think that the white fedora was stupid anymore.

I squeezed his hand. "We are perfect like this."

Muzan looked at me with soft eyes.

Okay, that hat really does make him look handsome, I thought.

I smiled. "But, let's not touch like this," I said quietly and unfolded my hand from his. "We're in public, remember?"

Muzan's cheeks got redder. His eyes widened some and his lips parted from each other. "Oh." He glanced around us from corner to corner of his eyes, taking notice of the other patrons in the shop. "My mistake. Thank you for catching me. We have to do our best to blend in." He cleared his throat and put his hand on the brim of the hat. He then snickered under his breath. He suavely removed the hat from his head and placed it on mine. "Let's see how it looks on you!"

"Huh?" I wasn't expecting that.

The hat pushed my bangs down into my eyes. It felt like it was too big for my head. My hair was slightly wavy, but not as wavy and thick as Muzan's. It couldn't fill up the inside of the hat the same way Muzan's hair did.

"It's cute," Muzan said. He took the hat off my head. "We can get one for you, too, so we can match." He looked at the hat. "Just one with a smaller head circumference."

I really don't want one of those hats --

Muzan snickered sweetly and adjusted my bangs after they had been pushed down to my forehead by the hat.

But he looks so happy ...

"Come on." Muzan rubbed my shoulder. "I'll get these for us."

So I guess I can wear that hat sometimes.

"Okay," I said and went with him to ask a shop assistant to get one of the white fedoras that would fit my head.

All I want right now is to see that smile more often.

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