The Slayer of the Sun (Part 1)

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"Muzan, this is foolish!"

Without hesitating, Muzan sped towards the slayer. He was so fast that it was almost as if he teleported. The slayer, however, was able to keep his attention on Muzan's movements, and easily dodged when Muzan attempted to attack him.

The bamboo trees behind the slayer split in half and fell from the distance Muzan's attack covered. I got the sense that the slayer started to feel slightly afraid, and so I thought that he couldn't keep up dodging Muzan's attacks for much longer. Still, the urge to jump into the fight and get it all over with kept nagging at me. All I needed to do was get close enough to the slayer to touch him, and my Blood Demon Art would cause his skin to rot all throughout his body. But, Muzan was carelessly sending slashing attacks through the air, and if I jumped in, I would certainly get caught in it.

It wouldn't kill me, of course, if I got slashed-up, but the sight of it would cause Muzan to panic and freeze, which could cost him his life. So, I had no choice but to stay there, uselessly watching from the sideline with Tamayo, who stood holding the new fabrics we bought at a rather large distance behind me.

I was surprised she hadn't run away.

"I'm no longer interested in you vagabond breathing users," Muzan said and sent another attack towards the slayer. "Perish."

I suddenly saw the slayer looking at me. He flawlessly dodged Muzan's attack, but watched me instead of remaining focused on Muzan. Of course, it made some sense. Muzan's attacks couldn't be seen, they could only be sensed. There was no need to look at him.

But why look at me? Why stare at me?

To keep me in watch in case I decided to join the battle?

Then why wouldn't he rely on sensing me?

It was all giving me a terrible feeling. And then, as the slayer dodged another one of Muzan's attacks slashing through the air, he leapt closer in my direction. As he closed the distance between us, I noticed the slayer's eyes widen as if he was shocked. His lips parted and he stared at me in a curious disbelief.

"An Ubuyashiki ...?" I heard the slayer ask himself out loud. "Like my Master ...?"

My body tensed some.

Master? I thought. How does he --?

The essence of fear in his eyes disappeared, as if it was shut off by an external force.

How does he know of those people?

"You're the one ..." the slayer said. Suddenly, in a racing, fluid motion, faster than I would have ever believed was possible for a human, he swung his sword as the blade began to shine red.

The Demon Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें