The Sunrise Test (Part 1)

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"You were snoring really loud yesterday."

"What?" Muzan raised an eyebrow at me.

"You were snoring really loud yesterday and I couldn't get any sleep."

"I don't snore."

"Yes you do."

He really didn't, at least not as severely as I was claiming, but I had a story to stick to.

"I --" His jaw dropped some. He then closed his mouth and took a deep breath. "I don't snore, Sakura. You've never accused me of such a thing before."

"You haven't snored like this before," I said. "I don't know what you and Kokushibou were working with that might have disrupted your breathing, but believe me, it was terrible."

Muzan glared at me. "So then, are you saying that after centuries of sleeping together that we're to suddenly stop now because you say I snore?"


"Of course, no. It would be ridiculous --"

"But for a couple days, yes."

Muzan stared at me.

"So I can get some sleep and so whatever is making you snore like you are can work its way out."

"I haven't been doing anything particularly different --"

"Maybe you ate something bad and it's clogging you up --"

"Oh, forget it," Muzan said. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Forget it, forget it, fine. Sleep in your wing, then." He looked at me. There was a disappointment and a resentful pain in his eyes that he was trying not to show. "I'll have Kokushibou sit by the door and tell me if I snore today. Is that fine, Sakura?"

"That's fine. Yeah."

He continued to stare at me. "Do I at least get a kiss?"

"Of course." I gave him a kiss.

Muzan stood a little straighter, sticking his nose in the air a bit. He then gave me another kiss before we parted.

I went back to my wing to act like I was returning there for bed. Relieved that I actually managed to rid myself of Muzan for the time being, I gathered myself together and slowly made my way out and to the Eternal Paradise Faith Cult.

When I got there, I was met by Douma, who was grinning and carrying a freshly-severed human leg.

"Good luck on your sunrise exam, Sakura-chan!" he exclaimed encouragingly. "Here's some nutrition to give you strength!" He pushed the leg into my arms. "Hurry, hurry, before it gets dry!"

I looked at the leg I was holding. The skin wasn't as smooth and soft as a woman's tended to be. Curious, I sniffed it. I looked at Douma. "A man?"

"Yup!" He giggled. "I know you don't like the mouth feel of women, so I killed a man for you this evening! And now, you must be wondering where the rest of the chap is because I brought you his leg and I only eat women. Are you? Are you?"

I started to eat the leg.

"Five more seconds to guess!" Douma said with a wink.

I didn't reply and kept eating.

"Ooh, time's up!" he said. "So, I'll tell you. Gyokko ate the rest of him!"

I paused mid-bite. "Gyokko?" I asked with a full mouth.

"Yeah! He's in the back." Douma put his hand to his mouth and turned to call further into the temple. "Yoo-hoo! Gyokko! Sakura-chan's arrived!"

Gyokko came out from around a corner in his full, large form. A half-eaten human head was in one of his hands. He waved with his other hand.

"What's he doing here? I thought this was secret!" I asked Douma, glaring at him.

Douma laughed. "Don't worry. Gyokko will hush hush about our experiment." He leant closer to me and whispered, "He actually doesn't like Muzan so much, so he won't be a snitch."

"How do you know?"

"Because you've been spending so much time with Gyutaro-kun, so I've been bonding with Gyokko." He looked towards Gyokko. "Isn't that right, Gyokko, my fishy friend?"

Gyokko threw an eyeball at Douma's head and laughed.

Douma cringed as the eyeball bounced off the side of his head. "Eeeeewwww. That's a guy's eyeball, come on!"

Gyokko laughed again.

I'm going to go out in the sun with these two around like this ... seriously?

Everything was then silent. I finished eating the leg, being watched by both Douma and Gyokko, as if they needed to be sure with themselves that I enjoyed the food.

Which I did. The guy tasted good.

After I was done eating, Douma suggested I change into a white robe from his cult.

"It'll give you further blessings by me to be at your best strength and mental peace," he said.

"Don't worry. I won't be watching you change, Sakura-sama," Gyokko said.

Seriously, Gyokko?

"Douma, I'll get the water prepared in case Sakura-sama catches fire," Gyokko continued.

"You're a lot of help, aren't you, Fish Man," I said.

"You'll thank me and my beautiful pots once we drench you wet after going out there!" Gyokko said.

"She won't catch fire!" Douma exclaimed.

"This is a stupid idea, Douma, but if it's Sakura-sama's decision, I won't try to stop her."

Douma put his hands on his hips. "It is not a stupid idea and we'll both show you, Gyokko! I know what I'm doing!"

"Sure, sure, Douma ... of course ..." Gyokko said and left to prepare filling his pots with water.

It became awkwardly quiet. I looked at Douma, who was still staring after Gyokko, pouting and with his hands on his hips.

"So ..." I began. "Where's that robe you wanted to give me?"

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