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I have been in a relationship with Alycia for 3 years, we met at a party 6 years ago and we became friends, then we decided to start a relationship but it is not public, only few people know


"Thank you" I said as we left the restaurant

"My pleasure" Dylan gave me a kiss on my hand

" Y/N! Dylan!" the paparazzi arrived "Are you guys together?"

He opened the car door for me to enter, then he went to the driver's seat, we arrived at the building and he got out to say goodbye

"Take care, girl" he gave me a hug

"Same, Dyl"

I went up to my apartment and locked the door, took off my shoes and coat

"I'm here!" I yelled for Alycia to hear me

I went to the living room and I saw her reading, I sat next to her

"How was it with Dylan?"

"Great!" I saw her upset "Is something wrong?"

"Have you seen social media?"

I frowned and went on Instagram, people are starting rumors that I'm in a relationship with Dylan, pictures of us from a few hours ago at the restaurant are all everywhere saying we had another date

"This is good, isn't it?" I turn off my phone "So they don't suspect that I'm with you"

"Yes, great" Alycia rolled her eyes and I feel bad again

"I don't understand, it bothers you that they say I'm dating Dylan but you don't want them to know that I'm with you

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"I don't understand, it bothers you that they say I'm dating Dylan but you don't want them to know that I'm with you. I know you're not ready, Alycia, and I get it. You know if it was up to me, we wouldn't have to be a secret"

"So I'm the problem?"

"It's not what I said"

"What do you mean then?"

"Nothing" I don't want to argue

"Tell me what you mean, Y/N!"

"I'm tired of being your secret! I can't hold your hand in public, you behave differently when we're not alone"

"If you want to be photographed with someone so much, you should call Dylan"

"That's not what I mean" I sigh "I want them to know that I'm with you"

"Well, I don't" she cut myself

I looked into her eyes and swallowed nodding, I got up and went to the bathroom, I took a shower so the water would cover my sobs, it hurts me to continue like this, it's as if Alycia is ashamed of me and that breaks my heart, to know that she doesn't love me as much as she claims, as I love her

"I'm sorry" I heard Alycia's voice in the bathroom

I turned off the faucet and wrapped my body in my towel, she came closer and placed a delicate kiss on my lips

"You know I love you"

I nodded with a sad smile and went to the room, put on my pajamas and lay down to sleep.The next morning my sister asked me to take care of her 7-month-old baby for a few hours, it's 8 am and I'm making breakfast for Alycia and me, the milk got warm and I gave it to my niece, then I made her burp and I lulled her to sleep, when I turned around I saw my girlfriend looking at me with a big smile

"Wife material" I had to take my eyes off her, her smile kills me and her eyes make me feel butterflies

"Good morning" I said

"You will be a great mother" she hug my waist  "I wonder what our family will be like"

I sighed and walked away from her. What's wrong with her?

"Wife huh? Will our wedding be right here?" she frowned "Are you going to say that your ring means nothing?"


"I'm tired of being a secret"

"Here we go again" she rolled her eyes

"You always talk about having a future with me and starting a family, but how do we do that if you don't even let them see us together in public? Will you also hide our family? Will we be your secret?

"Y/N" she sigh

"When will I stop being a secret, Alcyia?" I ask sad

"Why do you want everyone to know that we are together?"

"It's not that" I cleared my throat "It's the fact of not being able to make the slightest proof of affection. It's the fact that you get jealous because I go out with my friends and rumors are created"

"Then go"

"You want me to go?"

"I don't think I'll ever be able to go out" she crossed her arms "I think I'll never be ready"

"I know you're afraid of being judged, and I promised to give you time- but you must understand that I won't always be a secret"

"I know!" she yell "I'm sorry"

"What will we do?" I approached her

"I already told you, I don't think I'll ever go out"

"You prefer to be unhappy to admit that you are with me?"

Alycia saw me with tears in her eyes and didn't say a word

"Alycia" I started to cry "Just tell me to stay and I will"

"You must be with someone who shows you every day, who doesn't hide you. I'm sorry Y/N but I'm not  that person"

"Alyc- "

"Go away"

"Are you serious?" I asked on the verge of tears

"You can stay" she looked at me "But you will always be just a secret"

I nodded sadly and went to the room to start packing my things, after an hour everything is in my bags, when my sister came for her daughter I went with her, I can't believe that Alycia finished things out of fear, but I am nobody to force her to be with me.I know I deserve more than just being someone's secret, even hers


You can also tell me if you want a second part of a story :) 

- 𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓮

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