Alicia ⤡ Second⤢

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Request: JoyGirlMelii 🖤

۵ = different days

Pov. Before the apocalypse


"What are you thinking?"

The question repeats in Y/N's mind. All the thoughts, all the memories, all the emotions that you can feel in just one second, one second.

A second is what passed between them, by the time Y/N answers, the second had barely passed

What did Y/N think during that second?
Or rather, what did she remember?


"And so..." Y/N looked at her feet and tried to regulate her breathing "And that's why..."

Stella raised her hand and Y/N bit her tongue

"I have a question" she said with her mocking tone "I didn't understand the last thing. Could you explain it better?"

Punches. She just wanted to hit her, the teacher looked at her expectantly


Her voice is trembling and her hands are sweating, the girls whisper to each other while looking at her with amusement

"Well, sit down" the teacher sighed disappointed

Tears threatened to come out, she bit her tongue even more to keep from crying, she hates exposing, she hates school


"Stupid" someone whispered when Y/N walk


She crossed the yard when she saw the group that stormed her, she turned around and walked away, something make her tripped and her lunch fell to the ground just like her, she lifted her chin off the ground and intense pain consume her, she didn't need to see to find out who made her fall, the school roared with laughter and she got up ignoring the pain in her body

"Look where you're going" someone told her

"You are useless" another voice

Not everyone laughed, there were people who were not amused or even some who did not care

"No cool" said Matt hugging his girlfriend by the shoulders

Alicia saw how the girl got up and quickly left, she returned to pay attention to the music in her headphones


Y/N was walking down the halls when she heard people talking about her, it was obvious that people knew she was listening and said very cruel things, all the insecurities that Y/N already had were highlighted and insecurities that she never had before appered

She held back her tears while her hands asked to take out the pain in some other way, she almost never suffered from physical abuse, she suffered more from the psychological  and that is the ones that left her the most scars. Words have power

"Her eyes are horrible"

"Did you see the shape of her nose?"

"No one will ever want to kiss her lips"

"Her body sucks"

Y/N helplessly turned around and fled back to her safe place to cry, the toilet. In her rush she did not see that a girl came out and her body collapsed with hers, when she looked up she found Alicia Clark, Y/N dodged the girl and entered the toilet now feeling more pathetic because Alicia saw her in this state
It is true that Alicia was a bit antipathetic, she had seen Y/N suffer before, she could have ignored the girl and continued her way but for some strange reason she decided to stay, perhaps it was the first time she saw Y/N crying so close, she could see all her pain

"Are you okay?"

Y/N didn't answer, Alicia felt a strange tightness in her chest, Y/N bit her tongue to keep from sobbing and the younger Clark left


"Where are you going?"

"Don't be such a pussy"

They began to push her between them, without taking it anymore she broke

"Ow, you're such a crybaby"

"Can not take anything"

Why are they so cruel to her? She has never done anything to them

"HEY!" someone shouted "Leave her!"

The boys stopped immediately when they saw who it was, Alicia Clark

"Stay out Alicia" a girl said

"You feel strong? 7 against 1? You are all a piece of shit"

"How did you just tell us?"

"What you heard, dick" Alicia took another step

The teens started to leave throwing threatening looks at Alicia, Y/N took advantage and runaway


Since that day, Alicia has defended the girl, she sits with her in the classes they have together and in recess, in those 3 weeks, Alicia knows Y/N, she has paid attention to her. Y/N began to open up to her and soon they became inseparable

It's been 6 months and the girls are still getting to know each other, Alicia has even broken up with her boyfriend after an argument, Y/N's heart is finally calm, she feels loved and now doesn't see school like a nightmare

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

"Enough" Y/N said laughing while Alicia kept tickling her

"The point is mine"

"I think I know what my favorite movie is, Clark"

"No, I know what your favorite movie is and it's the one I said"

"Fine, you win"

"What?" Y/N asked

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"What?" Y/N asked

"You are gorgeous"

Alicia smiled victoriously and lay down next to her, both looking at the ceiling

"Why did you decide to defend me that day?"

"It took me a long time to do it" Alicia felt guilty for all the times that she did nothing

"It wasn't your fault" Y/N sat on the bed

"Will you forgive me?" Alicia sat down to be able to see her better

"I do not have anything to forgive you for"

Alicia caressed her cheek and without warning kissed her, when they separated she saw the confussion in Y/N

"What are you thinking?" Alicia whispered

And there it is, that second in which Y/N remembered all of that

"In you" she said joining their lips


If any of you suffer from something similar, do not remain silent, look for help or talk about it with someone you trust, you are not alone 🌷✨

- 𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓮 :)

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