Alicia ♪ Voice 2 ♪

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Alicia and I are in the city, admiring the sunset from the roof

"How do you say...?" Alicia dragged the last 'a' " 'Don't record this, Al' "

I laughed and translated what she told me but in sign language, she tried and smiled nodding

"How do you say?" she approached me  " 'You are beautiful' "

My cheeks blushed and I signed, Alicia nodded and got ready

"Y/N" she speak at the same time as she signs "You're beautiful"

I looked at the ground and bit my lip nervously, I tried to speak but I couldn't, I just opened my mouth like an idiot and closed it again. I lowered my eyes again feeling useless and Alicia realized

"How do you say...?" I raise my face to see her " 'Can I kiss you?' "

I saw her eyes feeling how my heart melted, I nodded gently and held my breath, Alicia approached putting our lips together and I swear I melted in her arms, Alicia caressed my cheek and I put my arms around her waist. When air was an issue we parted ways and I know my cheeks are rosy. It's the first time I've kissed her, in fact, it's the first time I've kissed someone

"You didn't tell me how to say it" I smiled shyly and showed her with signs 

Alicia paid attention and when I finished she did it, I denied amused and she frowned 

"I did it wrong?" she said looking at her hands

I denied biting my lip and Alicia rolled her eyes

"You know I can kiss you if I want to, right?"

I denied again and Alicia came dangerously close to me, I tried to run away knowing what she is going to do but she is faster, she started to tickle me throwing me to the ground and I struggled not to cry from laughter

"I would like to hear your laugh" she said sadly

I straightened up and apologized, she shook her head and helped me up

"Let's go" she stretched out her hand for me to take it

We returned to the factory and had dinner, then we went to my room and I sat on the bed with Alicia, I looked into her eyes and sighed, she frowned

"You don't have to..." I interrupted her by putting my finger on her lips

I nodded taking strength and closed my eyes, I saw the girl in front of me and I opened my mouth

I tried to say her name but I could only whisper her initiaI. I saw my hands holding back from crying and she grabbed my hands

"It's fine" she said hugging me "No one is going to hurt you, no one is going to hurt us"

She left a kiss on my head and I instantly calmed down

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

Weeks later

"Y/N, are you ready?"

We returned to the city for supplies, I slammed my boot twice on the ground. It's our secret language to tell her that it will take a little longer, usually she responds by hitting the ground but this time she didn't, I felt something strange and I walked quietly to where she is. I opened my eyes to see how a man holds her by the neck, when Alicia saw me I could see the fear in her eyes

"Drop it" someone said behind me and I dropped the backpack "How more?"

I shook my head and the man stood in front of me pointing his gun in my direction

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