Alycia ဣ For us both ဣ

801 41 9

Request: Anonymous 🥤


"I'm sorry" Y/N apologized again

Alycia ignored her and kept her back facing her partner, Y/N tried to hug her but she couldn't. They had fought again, like any couple. Y/N finally put her pride behind her and hugged Alycia, running her hand over her huge belly, Alycia placed her hand on top of Y/N's hand and laced their fingers together

"I'm sorry" it was Alycia's turn and  kissed Y/N's hand "It's no excuse but the hormones make me feel everything double"

Both closed their eyes and enjoyed the comfortable silence. After a couple of hours Alycia woke up hungry, Y/N rubbed her eyes and looked at Alycia

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It' s okay" she yawn "What do you want?"

Alycia looked up thinking, Y/N couldn't help but smile, she looks so adorable

"Movie marathon?"

Y/N giggled and nodded

"Which ones?"

"You choose" Y/N stood up "Does Lydia want something?"

Y/N leaned down to speak to Alycia's belly, she turned to look at the clock

"It's after eleven at night, Y/N"

"So you don't want anything?"

Alycia bit her lip and nodded

"I have a craving for a matcha frappe and a white chocolate frappe"

Y/N nodded and went to the closet to put on a jacket

"But I don't want you to go alone" Alycia denied and got up

"Lesha" Y/N took her chin sweetly "Your feet are swollen, you won't come with me"

Alycia looked down to see her feet but her belly didnt't allowed her

"I won't be long" she took Alycia's hands in hers and kissed them

"It's too late"

"I will not leave a tired pregnant woman with cravings and much less if that woman is the love of my life"

Alycia blushed and kissed her lips, they both smiled at that kiss

"I will go to the cafeteria, two blocks away"

"Two blocks" Alycia repeated and nodded

"Go and pick the movies"

Alycia saw Y/N leave the room and began to choose the movies, she chose her favorites, looked at the clock and sighed taking out the lotion to spread on her belly, just like Y/N always did

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

Alycia opened her eyes and understood that she had fallen asleep waiting for Y/N, she looked at the clock again and began to get anxious

2 hours and she is not here. 2 hours

She walked around the room biting her nails, unable to take it anymore, her brain formulating a lot of horrible scenarios, just like it did when she was a child and her parents took too long to come home, she put on a coat and went downstairs to go out to look for Y/N, in her haste to go down the stairs she didn't feel the liquid running down her legs until she breathed at the last step

A pain made her stop and she widened her eyes in surprise seeing the liquid on the floor, she took her phone out of her bag and dialed Y/N

Mailbox, mailbox, mailbox...

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