Lexa ♬Love will remember♬

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Song: Love will remember - Selena Gomez 🥀

You can listen to the song for a better experience when the note appears ♬

Alternative reality 🌐

Cursive letters = past


All your life you grew up in the south of the city and you went to the Skaikru school (xd) since you were little, until you moved to north of the city cause of your parents work, you were transferred to the Trikru school when you were 15. There you made new friends, including Lexa and her cousin Luna, within six months of attending Trikru you began a relationship with Lexa

You are now three months into your third year in Trikru and just turned 17. Skaikru burned and now Skaikru students study in Trikru too

"I don't know what I did wrong" I cried and she hugged me

"You did nothing wrong"

"Everything was going so well" I dried my tears "And then she came and I'm sure something happened between them"

"You don't know that" her voice is sweet

"Everybody knows!" I exploded "I'm sorry" I lowered my tone of voice "You're just trying to comfort me but the only thing I feel is anger towards her because she replaced me in two months, Luna. Two months! They were seen very close yesterday"

"She misses it" Luna caressed my cheek "My cousin is an idiot"

This year I was excited to see some of my Skaikru friends again, everything went well for a month until Clarke joined the art team and spent a lot of time with Lexa, at the end of the month Lexa ended our relationship and the next two Months, Clarke and her became inseparable. Luna has been there to support me

"Luna?" I raised my face towards her "Why can't I be enough?"

"Y/N" Luna took my hands "You are"

Luna started to get closer and for a moment I froze, Luna's lips touched mine but her kiss didn't last a second, I turned my face embarrassed

"I'm sorry" I still love Lexa "I can't" even if she doesn't love me anymore

"It's okay" Luna hugged me "It was my fault, I shouldn't have done it" she got up from the chair where we are "I didn't think, I just-"

"Calm down" I smiled and my phone rang "I have to go"

"I'll walk you home"

"There's no need"

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

"I don't want to go to school" I sobbed again "I know that everyone makes fun of me, they talk behind my back about how Lexa-"

"Y/N" Luna took my face in her hands "Tomorrow you will go to school with your head held high and you will not let those comments affect you"

"I'm not that strong"

"Yes you are" she dried my tears "Don't let Lexa affect you. You didn't do anything wrong Y/N, she did"

"Thank you" I nodded and hugged Luna one last time

"I'll walk you home"

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

I'm in Luna's car as I watch everyone enter the school

"I can't" I denied "Everyone is going to-"

"Breathe" Luna helped me calm down "Stop overthinking. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale" when my breathing was controlled Luna smiled "How do you feel now?"

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