Frances ☖ Improving ☖

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I screamed as the horse went faster and I slipped off the saddle

"Abbey!" I cried and she tried to calm the horse

Abbey managed to stop the horse and helped me down, I dried my tears and sighed in relief

"I won't get it" I spoke between gasps

"Keep practicing" she encouraged me "Water?"

I nodded and followed her to her house, I began to talk to her when a girl my age entered the kitchen, she looked at me and raised an eyebrow superiorly before going upstairs

"Just ignore her" Abbey rolled her eyes

"Okay" I finished my drink

"Stay to dinner"

"Oh, I don't want to bother"

"Nonsense" Abbey's father entered the kitchen and she addressed him "You're not bother, right?"

Her father saw me and shrugged, then sat down. I helped Abbey serve the food and then she told me to sit, the girl from earlier came downstairs

"Who is she?" she talked like I wasn't here

"Y/N" Abbey sat down followed by the girl "Y/N, this is Frances"

I know Abbey has a younger sister but I'd never seen her before

"Will she stay for a long time?"

Frances made me feel uncomfortable, Abbey gave me a smile and we ate in silence

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The following week I went back to my lessons, Abbey is not here so I decided to get on the horse by myself, I smiled when I made it and began to follow Abbey's instructions

"You ride horrendously" Frances Campbell said, crossed arms leaning on the stable door "What are you doing here?"

"You ride horrendously" Frances Campbell said, crossed arms leaning on the stable door "What are you doing here?"

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"Waiting for your sister" I answered curtly

"She went out with her new boyfriend, I don't think she's coming today" I know what she's trying to do, she wants me to go "Will you leave?"

I ignored her and held the leash tighter because of my sweaty hands, Frances rolled her eyes and disappeared. I kept concentrating on not falling off the horse as it advanced, I heard a snort behind me and saw Frances riding on her horse

"Watch" she came next to me "I'll teach you some tricks to improve"

I smiled shyly and she smirked. I followed her instructions in detail and when I least saw it I realized the sunset

"My class ended a while ago"

"No problem" she denied

"I can't afford another hour" I explained "Mom can only pay me for one class a week"

"You don't have to pay" we exchange glances

"But, today you have-"

"After all, Abbey isn't here, so theoretically she didn't give you a lesson and you won't have to pay"

"I will pay you"

"I don't want your money" we return  the horses

"Thank you"

She shrugged and left without saying goodbye. From that day on, every day of the week when I have my classes with Abbey, Frances is always watching from her hour

This day Abbey is not here either, I am riding around waiting for her

"You're still horrible but at least you've improved" Frances spoke behind me

"If you don't like me why do you keep talking to me?"

"I'm watching that you don't kill our horses or yourself"

Frances went to the stable and I followed her on the horse, I want the horse to run to get there before her but I still can't do it alone, Abbey always accompanies me

"I'll come next week" I said as I entered and saw Frances on her horse

"I have an idea"

"I prefer to wait for your sister"

She grabbed the horse's leash before I could react and the horse I'm on followed her


"No Frances" I opened my eyes "I'm not ready yet"

"You'll never be if Abbey doesn't let you go"

"Frances" I started to panic

"Hold on"

"Frances!" I yelled when she hit the horse's rear and it started to run "Frances!" I cired

I gripped the leash tightly, and Frances came up beside me, gracefully mounting her horse. When I felt that I was going to fall I stopped the horse and got down annoyed, Frances came back smiling

"What's going on? You got scared?"

"I told you she wasn't ready!" I didn't let my tears came out "I almost fell!"

She got off her horse and I wanted to hit her

"Why are you doing this!?"

She came closer and I pushed her when she tried to touch me, we had a little fight, she pushed me and I fell on my butt to the ground, I tried to get up still angrily but she stopped me. I opened my mouth to scream but I felt her lips in mine. She took me by surprise and I didn't move my lips, she separated and I looked at her face, she placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed me again, this time I let myself go and Frances placed herself on top of me, my back in the grass, my hands on her hips

"After your lessons" she arranged my hair "Go to my room"


"You can come as many days as you want"

She helped me up and she signaled me to get on the horse, she got on behind me and I bit my lips from the proximity, her hands encircled my waist and she took the leash of the other horse to return

"Y/N!" Abbey screamed when she saw me "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay" I got off the horse

"Y/N" Frances called me

"Wait" Abbey frowned "Are you being nice to her?"

"Can't I have friends?"

"You don't have friends Frances"

Frances rolled her eyes and took my hand, she led me to her room and I said goodbye to Abbey. In her room, Frances pointed to her bed and I took off my boots to lay, she did the same and leaned her body on her side. She caressed my lips and traced every part of my face

"You keep improving"

"You mean... the riding thing?" my throat is dry

"Yah. What else, silly?" she let out a laugh

She placed another kiss on my lips and drew imaginary lines across my forehead, cheeks, and lips. She left a kiss on my forehead and lay on my chest, she hugged my torso and our legs intertwin

"Am I your first friend?"

"You are more than my friend" she answered making my cheeks blush

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