Alycia ❦ Baby steps 3 ❦

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Last part of Baby steps 🥰


"What about ow?" Y/N asked for the fifth time

Laura shook her head while pretending to hang up, Y/N had a crisis and the only way she calmed down was when Laura said she would call Alycia, which she didn't, she has pretended to call Alycia five times in the last 20 minutes. Laura is biting her nails because of nervousness, she saw Y/N begin to despair and without being able to see her cousin suffering anymore, she sighed and called Alycia

A half hour later the doorbell rang and Y/N turned her head to the door, Laura went to open it, meeting the brunette, without saying a word Laura walked back to the living room followed by Alycia

"Alycia" Y/N jumped three times in her own place

"Hello sweetie" Alycia greeted

Laura watched the scene, she was still angry with Alycia but she did not understand why she had so much affection for her cousin

"How have you been?"

"You didn't come to see me" Y/N's voice sounded angry and sad

Laura could see how Alycia's face saddened and she took a few steps towards Y/N

"Forgive me" she brought her hands to her chest "Could you forgive me?"

Suddenly Y/N approached Alycia and slightly lifted her lips, Alycia turned to look at Laura with mixed emotions, Alycia walked over to Y/N and left a kiss on her cheek. Y/N sighed clearly unhappy and lifted her lips further in Alycia's direction. Alycia looked at Laura insecure searching for her approval, after an internal war Laura agreed and Alycia joined her lips with  Y/N's in a quick innocent kiss

"I like the way it feels" Y/N admitted with a small smile

"Me t-" Alycia left the words in the air when she look Laura raise an eyebrow out of the corner of her eye

Y/N walked towards her cousin and Laura frowned, when she saw that Y/N tilted her forehead she knew what she wanted, a happy Laura tilted her forehead to join with her cousin forehead

"Thank you"

A warm smile adorned Laura's lips as she listened to her cousin

"Laura" Alycia intervened

"I'm sorry" they spoke in unison

Laura spoke first

"Now I understand that it was not your fault"

"I would never dare to hurt her"

Both friends looked at each other for a moment before hugging. Laura wanted to protect her cousin from everyone, but she could not tolerate seeing her friend kiss her, Laura knows Alycia and knows that her intentions are not bad, but still she look for someone to blame

"I don't know what's going on" Y/N spoke uncomfortably looking at the ceiling "Should I join the hug? Cause I don't like hugs"

"No" Laura let out a laugh followed by a sigh "I'll leave you alone"

"Why you left?" Y/N looked at the ceiling again "Because of me?"

"No" Alycia approached her and join their foreheads "I would never do that. I'm here now"

"You are here now" Alycia saw a slight smile at Y/N's corner

"I love you," Alycia said as they parted

"Even if I am different?"

"You're so smart, Y/N"

"I know, but I'm still different"

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