Alycia ῭ Favorite place ῭

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Dedicated to KVP 🏖️

⚠️Warning: Self harm


"Again?" my father yelled hitting the table "Why are you so useless, Y/N?" my mother whipped the exam on the table

My eyes do not take off from the place on the table, I know that if I raise my head I will meet the angry and disappointed looks of my parents and my tears will begin to roll

"Why can't you be like the others?" my nails dug into my palms

"Are you listening to me?" I swallowed, looking at my father out of the corner of my eye "RAISE YOUR DAMN HEAD WHEN I TALK TO YOU!"

Hearing my father scream, I raised my head instinctively "Why are you so stupid?"

I want to talk, I want to defend myself but I don't know why I'm not strong enough to do it

"Will you always be this useless for everything?"

I'm not useless at everything. I want to yell at them. I'm not good at school, but I know how to do other things-

"Your only obligation is study" my mother spoke "If you don't want to go to school that's fine but you'll have to look for a job because here you can't live without doing anything"

"I'm going to get better" my voice came out in a broken voice

"What was that?" my father questioned and I got angry, I know he heard me perfectly

"I'm going to improve"

My mother let out a dry laugh and wandered into the kitchen "You've been saying that since the last time"

"Leave" my mother interrupted my father "I don't want to keep seeing you"

I got up feeling completely vulnerable and headed to my room, I wanted to slam the door but I know it will only get worse. I collapsed on my bed and buried my head in my pillow so I could scream and let off steam, my throat ached and my hot tears slipped down my warm face, because of anger and sadness. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, my teeth clenched and my hands hit my cheeks, my face is red and hate is the only thing I see in my eyes

"Useless" another slap "Stupid" another one "Pathetic" I clenched my fist and hit my leg "Weak" I pulled my hair "Human waste"

My hands began to hit my face, then my body, I let out all the anger I feel towards myself, fists, slaps and scratches everywhere

When will I do something right? One day I'll be happy? Maybe I should finish it all. I'd be doing everyone a favor. One less load

My thoughts began to rise and I looked everywhere for something to hurt myself, anything, I saw my mirror and my clenched fist wanted to crash into it

"Do it now" I told myself "Or are you afraid? You're useless. Do it now" my fist still shaking

I took my head back and let out a big frustrated sigh, I decided to leave my house without being seen by my parents, I walked through the streets without caring that people see me cry, my feet went to the beach, I looked for a lonely place and I let myself fall un the sand

"Are you okay?" a voice asked next to me

I looked at the girl's legs out of the corner of my eye and nodded, silencing my sobs, without raising my head, what a horror that she sees me like this

"Are you sure?" I nodded again "Okay..."

I saw her legs shackled around and then headed back towards me

"I know it's not my place-"

"I'm fine!" I yelled

After a moment she gingerly sat down next to me

"You can talk to me" she try to cheer me up "You don't know me, I don't know you, it would be nice to let off steam, don't you think?"

I slowly turned my head towards her, my face a little protected thanks to my clearing hair, she is beautiful, her green eyes look at me delicately and the wind plays with her brown hair

"You have beautiful eyes" she brushed my hair away from my face and I turned away from her "Don't turn around, please"

She looked at my arms, then my legs, scratches and bruises adorn my extremities "I'm so sorry" she whispered and her voice sounded sincere

Suddenly I started sobbing again without knowing why

"I do everything wrong" I blurted out "I'm useless"

"I don't think that's true"

"It is, everyone tells me that"

"I don't know if it will help you, but I don't think so"

"You do not even know me"

"It's a feeling" she shrugged

"In that case, you have a bad feeling about others"

"I doubt it" she gave me a nice smile "I've never been wrong about my feelings"

"There is a first time for everything"

"And I don't think this time I'm wrong"

I couldn't help but smile at the girl, there is something about her that is different from me, I can't explain how

"Do you want to keep talking? I promise to listen" I denied "What if I promise not to tell anyone?"

She folded all the fingers of her hand leaving only her little finger towards me, I smiled and crossed our fingers

"You win" I took a deep breath to continue

She listened to me carefully and turned her body towards me in such a way that I understood what she wants, a hug

"I don't like hugs" I spoke when I let myself be wrapped in her arms "But yours are fine"

I kept sobbing and crying in the arms of the stranger, her breaths, her warmth and her person made me feel better, after a moment, when my tears dried I decided to speak

"Thank you"

"It was nothing, you needed it" she caressed my hair

I surreptitiously observed her eyes, they capture every detail of the beach

I surreptitiously observed her eyes, they capture every detail of the beach

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"It's beautiful" I also looked at the ocean in front of me

"My favorite place"

"And mine" I speak turning to see her

Yep. Definitely my favorite place from now on

"Your name?"


"Y/N" she repeated



"Alycia" I smiled "Thank you, Alycia"

"Anytime, Y/N"

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