Alycia ✉ More jobs ✉

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Request: LadyPizza05

Pov. You're Alycia's girlfriend, you met on the set of the 100

Your character is Glass, a character from the books


I walked up to the set and saw Bob playing with Richard. When Bob saw me, his smile disappeared, Richard greeted me and I ignored Bob. I saw Eliza and Alycia settle into their positions, I sat up waiting for my scene and saw Bob turn his full attention towards them. The scene ended and we were given our break. Alycia walked towards me

"Wow" I smiled "I almost got jealous"

"You think I was good?"

"Good?" I got up "You were amazing, Lesha"

I kissed her and she hugged me, I could feel Bob's gaze on us and I felt uncomfortable

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I kissed her and she hugged me, I could feel Bob's gaze on us and I felt uncomfortable

"Is this your last scene?"

"Yes" she sighed "I'm a little tired"

"Go get some sleep, I still have to film a scene with Marie"


"Yeah go"

"Okay" she kissed my lips

Before leaving, she exchanged glances with Bob and she frowned, shaking her head to get rid of her ideas

"Y/N" Marie came for me "Let's go"

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

"Cut!" Jason yelled "Great, that's the good one!"

Marie gave me a bottle of water and I nodded, I saw Bob walk over to Jason and they left to talk privately

"Y/N" Richard approached "Your phone"


I saw the messages from my agent. During the next three days I will not come to film because I have to do some photo sessions for a brand

"Jason" I called when he came back

"Yes" he cut me off -They already told me. No problem, we will film scenes that do not include you during these days"

"Okay" I agreed

"This reminds me, can we talk? You busy?"

"About what?"

"Glass" she smiled "I have very good ideas for your character"

I nodded happily and followed Jason

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

I took out my key and opened the door, locked it behind me and sighed tiredly, walked to the living room and saw my girlfriend on the sofa

"I was waiting for you" she smile "Do you want to order food?"

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