Alycia დ Serendipity დ

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Request: Anonymous 🚗


I'm angry, I'm mad and the L.A. traffic doesn't help, nothing could be worse on this day, everything, absolutely everything about this day is horrible.

I finally managed to pass the traffic and now they just lonely streets, I already want to get home, he invited me on a date today and I'm a late. I saw the clock on the screen of my car and bit my lip to speed up, I turned into a street and instantly stoped the car but still my car hit the girl knocking her to the ground. I was static with my eyes and mouth open, I don't know what to do, Should I run away? Dammit! I turned to look around and didn't see anyone, I saw the unconscious girl and hit my head on the steering wheel repeatedly

"Calm down, Alycia" I said to myself

I got out of the car and look at the girl, her expression is relaxed, as if she is asleep, her lips are slightly parted, she is beautiful. Focus Alycia! I carefully picked her up and put her in my car, I drove to the hospital and explained that I found her on the street, I know it's wrong but I'm a public figure and for one shitty day I'm not going to ruin my reputation. The doctors took the girl, I was about to leave but the guilt did not allow me to do so, I waited in the waiting room until I recognized a nurse

"Good day" I say "A while ago I brought an unconscious girl, I want to know if she is okay"

The nurse reviewed the list of patients

"Oh yeah, Y/N" Y/N I repeat her name over and over "Follow me"

I followed the nurse to the bed where the girl's body rests

"She's fine, she just had a slight concussion" I opened my eyes with fear "Don't worry, it's nothing serious, she'll wake up in a moment"

I sat next to the girl and my phone rang, I completely forgot about the date! I apologize for not being able to go, the girl opened her eyes slowly and a slight smile formed on my lips when I saw the color of her eyes, she looked around confused and I swallowed nervously when she saw me

"I'm dead?" she licked her dry lips "Are you an angel?"

I laughed and she frowned "You're in the hospital" I explained "You got hit by a car"

"Oh" the girl replied "Who are you?"

"I'm Alycia, I brought you to the hospital"

"How kind" she gave me a smile and the guilt consumed me

"Do you remember anything?" she denied "How do you feel?"


"Do you want me to call your family?"

She denied again and change her position, she realized my discomfort

"It's fine, you can go now. Thank you Alicya"

Don't thank me, I ran you over with my car

"I would feel better if I left you with a relative"

"I don't have any"she looked me in the eyes "Nobody to tell"

I felt a lump in my throat "Any friends?" I asked nervously

"No one" she said in her sonorous voice.

How can someone like her be lonely? A nurse along with two doctors entered with some studies

"Hi, Y/N" the girl just smiled "We did some studies for you and... Do you know why you're here?"

"I got run over" she replied "It was probably my fault, I didn't see where I was going, I just wanted to get to the pharmacy as soon as possible"

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