Alycia ❉ 5 years ❉

850 44 1

Request: pandanutella5h 👭


Both girls had seen themselves in their respective mirrors more than once, observing their hair, their clothes, their bodies, absolutely everything about them. On the way to Maia's house, they both looked at their phones nervously

The one with (your color) eyes was wondering if the green-eyed girl would go to dinner. Arriving at the house she breathed trying to take her nerves away and she knocked on the door, she was greeted by Maia who directed her to the dining room, her breathing stopped when she saw Alycia, looking beautiful as always

Y/N tried to act normal and pretended not to be interested in the brunette, like always. Y/N greeted the other girls as Alycia watched her out of the corner of her eye, the truth is that Alycia had lay her attention on Y/N since she had arrived but she pretended not to have seen her

"Alycia" Y/N greeted with selfcontrol

"Y/N" Alycia replied smiling

Maia rolled her eyes at the terrible scene, it was noticeable that both of her friends were attracted to the other but neither was able to accept it, a smile came over her at the idea and she turned to Y/N

"You look beautiful" Maia decided to tease Alycia "I would kiss you right now"

Maia bit her tongue to keep from laughing when she caught a glimpse of Alycia tensing

"Thanks" replied Y/N

"Don't you think she looks beautiful?" Maia asked the girls and they all nodded "No doubt, I would go out with you"

"Maia" Alycia spoke louder than usual "What will we have for dinner? I'm starving"

During dinner, they talked and laughed, talked about anything, but when it was Alycia's turn, Y/N ate to focus her attention on her food and not on the brunette. When Y/N spoke, Alycia would watch whatever it was that wasn't Y/N

But despite their hard attempts not to lose themselves in each other, during dinner both eyes met. When Y/N directed her eyes towards Alycia, she realized that she was already looking at her and the same thing happened when Alycia looked at Y/N, realizing that she was already looking at her

"Alycia" Maia smiled and only Alycia realized the malice she was hiding behind her eyes "How did you date go last night?"

They all turned towards her and Alycia felt tiny, her green eyes connected with Y/N's, Y/N lowered her eyes to her glass to take a sip and Alycia looked back at Maia

"It was that bad?" Maia tried to help "Anyway. Who wants more?"

Maia held up the bottle of wine and two glasses went up at the same time, Alycia and Y/N blushing

♡ ⬳ ✾ ⚝ ✾ ⟿ ♡

The night continued pleasantly and Maia approached Y/N to take some selfies

"I'll take one" someone suggested

Y/N sat on Maia's lap and they both posed, Maia took Y/N's cheeks and joined her lips in a childish kiss without noticing attentive eyes on them

Y/N sat on Maia's lap and they both posed, Maia took Y/N's cheeks and joined her lips in a childish kiss without noticing attentive eyes on them

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"My girl" Maia said playing

"My wife" Y/N replied

Alycia got up and went to the kitchen, Maia noticed and her smile disappeared

"Crap" she cursed under her breath

"What?" asked Y/N

"Nothing" she pushed her slightly from her legs

Maia headed to the kitchen to find an annoyed Alycia

"What are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?" Alycia rolled her eyes at her "Are you jealous?"

"Maia, I am serious"

"The kiss? You know we act like that, she is only my friend"

Alycia laughed sarcastically and Maia forced Alycia to look at her


"Why did you mention the date?"

"To make Y/N jealous"

"What would she be jealous of?"

"Why did you go? You didn't want to go, why did you do it? I was just trying-"


"Fine, I promise not to try to give you two a push"

"Everyone knows Alycia, except of you two"

"Y/N didn't like me"

"I give up" Maia raised her hands in defeat

Maia left the kitchen and Alycia poured herself more wine, she heard someone enter the kitchen

"Are you here to bother again?" Alycia thought it was Maia

"No, I'm sorry" Y/N apologized

Alycia straightened up at her voice and Y/N got closer cautious

"I'm glad to see you alone"


"You haven't left Maia's side all night"

"It's her party" Y/N frowned

"Is there something else between you?"

"No" Y/N denied

Alycia kept drinking and Y/N looked at her, she looks upset

"Sorry, if I interrupted you" she turned to leave

"Y/N" she called after biting her tongue

Alycia patted the chair next to her and Y/N walked over

"So-" Y/N cleared her throat nervously "Are you in a relationship?"

Alycia turned to look at T/N and her eyes drifted to T/N's lips

"No" she swallowed and returned to her eyes "Why do you say that?

"The date" Y/N leaned on the table and Alycia tried with all her strength to keep looking into Y/N's eyes "It was nothing"

They both turned to face the wall in awkward silence, occasionally glancing at the other

"You are having fun?" Y/N tried to get the conversation going again

"Yeah" Alycia looked at Y/N's figure in admiration "You?"

T/N nodded and looked at Alycia's face. Did the Greek gods make her?

You're beautiful

Those desperate words wanted to come out of both of their mouths but they didn't

What happens if Y/N admit her feelings and Alycia rejects her?

What happens if Alycia admit her feelings and Y/N walks away from her?

"Can you believe it?" Alycia tried to change her thoughts "We have been together almost for 5 years" she smiled and fell into the idea of what she said "As friends"

Y/N nodded with a big smile and if it wasn't for Alycia sitting down, she would have fallen right there, at her beauty. Y/N changed her position when she saw Alycia's eyes. Are there any eyes more beautiful than hers?

"Girls!?" someone yelled "Let's play a game!"

Y/N got up awkwardly and extended her hand towards Alycia, Alycia had to bite her inner cheek to keep from blushing, at the moment they felt their hands together both girls felt an electricity, Alycia raised her hand running up Y/N's arm with a smirk.
Y/N walked over to her and looked down, to her her chest

"Nice necklace" Y/N caressed the skin around her necklace causing Alycia to lose her breath

Y/N left the kitchen followed by Alycia, Maia watched the scene holding back a smile

"Baby steps" she whispered "There is still hope, even if it takes 5 more years"

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