Lexa♕Cecedit Terra Propositum♕

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Alternate universe
Idea: @Mzoun3677 🕌


I walked through the streets watching the grounders looking at me, they all here have the potential to be warriors, I on the other hand, don't know how to fight. I was born on a throne, I was born to lead a kingdom... but behind a man. The lands of Fallenground, Ziraleim and the 12 clans, are the closest to each other, over the years they have been in constant disagreements and beginnings of wars. My brother is now the one who reigns Cecedit Terra or Fallenground, for as long as I can remember he has tried to establish peace

"Your Highness" my guard bowed

Two grounders opened the doors so I could enter, I smiled and entered the room, my eyes traveled the place until I reached a brown hair

"Lexa" I tilted my head

"Y/N" she did the same

"Commander" my sister greeted after me

"Amanda" Lexa greeted her

We headed to our places to start the assembly, we discussed the basics of our peace, and then I gave the new peace agreement proposal to Lexa

I could see the green eyes carefully studying the agreement, I tilted my head to see her better, her face neutral as always, except for her lips, slightly pressed implying that she is concentrating, my intense gaze makes her look in my direction, I lowered my gaze with a slight playful smile on my lips. I could feel Lexa still looking at me so I pretended to pay attention to one of my papers, placed both of my palms on the table and subtly crouched down, letting my breasts face Lexa's direction

"Heda?" someone calm her but got no response "Heda?"

I raised my eyes in her direction, her eyes went from my chest to my eyes, I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing and Lexa shook her head, I went back to see what I was supposed to be reading while a smile played on my face, I felt someone pinched my hand and face my sister, a couple centimeters between us, she subtly shook her head while scolding me only using her eyes, I rolled my eyes

"Boring" I whispered

"Focus" she shout-whisper

"I'm focused" I said looking at the papers again, but my eyes betrayed me when I look the Commander's direction again

"I see new and better improvements in this new agreement" Lexa speaks avoiding any eye contact with me "The monarch Charles has a favorable vision for our people"

"If I may Heda" Amanda raised her index finger "The proposals in this agreement are from princess Y/N"

Lexa turned to me and nodded, we have been at peace since Lexa was chosen as commander, over the years I accompanied my brother to renew our peace agreements, I like to tease Lexa a bit

"Heda, if you allow me" one of her ambassadors spoke "I'm not so convinced with this new... proposal"

Amanda turned to look at me with concern

"There is also the problem with Ziraleim"

"With all due respect" I interrupted Lexa's ambassador "The lands of Ziraleim are now in a peace agreement with Fallenground"

"How is that possible?" another ambassador spoke with intensity

"If you all let me speak, I can explain" I answered in a calm voice, everyone saw me with some annoyance in their eyes and I nodded to continue "Fifteen moons ago, my brother was preparing for a war against Ziraleim as a last resort, before rushing to the do something mad and spend weapons and warriors, I convinced the monarch of Fallenground to give me the opportunity to make a deal with Ziraleim"

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