Introduction J

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Hello everyone. I'm J, as you know that. I'm Jordan Knights best friend. He's from the most awesome and hottest boyband in the world, New Kids on the Block. Jordan and I have been friends since I can remember. All I know is that its been a long time. I can depend on him for anything. He's always there for me like I am for him.

I live with him because my parents are always on business trips. My family is one of the richest people in the world and they just love to travel. So I just live with Jordan and the other New Kids. Jordan's parents and my parents are really good friends so they always know where I am. They trust Jordan's parents because we're all one big family and nothing can break us apart.

Anyhow I'm 5"6' I have long dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. I'm a redneck chick, was born in a small town in Tennessee, and moved to Boston when I was 2. Anyhow enough about me lets move on to something more interesting.

Now I hope you all enjoy this story to it's fullest. Yes, it might be a tad bit cheesy but just deal with it you'll be fine. Now sit back and open your eyes, open your ears, open your mouths... Wait don't open your mouths. You should keep them closed. Well sure you can open them, but in general you shouldn't. Just enjoy the story and you'll be fine.

Enjoy my loves:-) OXOXOXOX

Blockhead and believerWhere stories live. Discover now