On the Road Again

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Jords point of view

Well I had a good 12 hours of sleep last night even though it was about 1am when I went to bed cause of the boys keepin me up. When I finally did get my lazy ass up out of bed I herd Zak saying that we had to pack up cause we are heading to another location.
Wow. They move fast. Wonder where were going next?
"Copper queen hotel and Oliver house in Arizona." Zak told me while walking out of the room.
Wow. I thought again. I sat on the bed and thought that another day is going to go by hangin tough with the 2nd most coolest guys ever. *NKOTB are the first most coolest guys cause I live with them*
I am so blessed to be apart of  Ghost Adventures and I hope the boys know that.
"Jord, let's go babe were gon be late?" Zak hollered.
I jumped off the bed grabbed some of my stuff and ran out the door.
"Before you're in too much of a rush Lil Missy, did you get everything?" Zak asked
I paused for a moment "hang on a sec..." I scurried back in the room
I looked once, checked twice. "Nope Zak I got everything now come on let's go were gon be late" I mocked
"Okay sassy" Zak smiled "ya know that's your new nickname jord. Sassy cause you are a total Sas ass." Zak laughed
"I can agree on that hey one of my friends nickname  is sassy, I guess we have some kind of extra  resemblance in our friendship. " I shook my head
Zak shut the door and grabbed my stuff and we walked down the hallway together.

"Here's your card back" Zak gave the hotel person back the card "oh and thank you for letting us stay"
"No problem have a safe trip!" The hotel person waved
"Thanks " Zak and I waved back.

"Yo what took y'all so long?" Nick asked
" Zak and i were bullshittin." I threw my stuff in the car
"Didn't know y'all were bulls" Aaron smartassed.
"You mother fuckin smartass." I squinted my eyes jokinly.
"That's sassys job not yours Aaron buddy." Zak patted Aaron on his back
"Sassy?" Nick and Aaron questioned
"That's my new nickname acroording to Zak Bagans" I folded my arms together, my full attention was  at Zak.
"Ahhh, I can totally see that" nick nodded in agreement
"Yup same here dude" Aaron did the same thing
Zak hopped in the car and billy started the car and we rolled out the hotel and headed out on the road again.
"Yo Bill! Turn on the radio!" I rose my voice enough to tell him over the air conditioner.
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance?
"Oh hell no, not this shit. Ohhohoho helllll naw!" Zak shook his head no while mumbling no no no no no no no
"Ohhhh heeellll Yea dude! Turn it up billy Bob!" Aaron danced in his seat
Just get on the floor do the new kids dance!
We ain't gonna give anybody any slack
"And if you try to keep us down were gonna come right back!" Aaron sang along
Zak was being an ass and covers his ears I just fell back asleep I didn't need these Nimrods draining my energy.

"So, how long are we gon be sitting here?" I asked
"Were gonna get out and piss ya know." Nick joked
"Well no shit sherlock but when?" Damn everyone is bein a smartass today. Is it like international smartass day or something? Must be.
"We've only been in the car for 4 hours now. We will get out in an hour unless you need to use the bathroom." Billy said
" thank you billy at least you answer my question in not a smartass way" I looked at nick and smiled
"OK then" nick said

2 hours later

"Finally some fresh air" I got our and stretched
"Ya let's go grab some grub " Zak wrapped his arm around me pulling me into the gas station.
We got back in the car and headed towards our destination more.
We had 1 more day til we got there.
How we kept ourselves occupied
Singin random songs other than new kids.
Zak starin me down smiling while I sang one of his favorite songs
Making silly jokes
Pretty much acting like little kids but we enjoyed the awesome ride.
"Alright kiddos were here! Copper queen hotel!" Billy announced
"Finally!" I hopped our of the car while the car was slightly moving
I'm just that way
Everybody else got out of the car wondering where I went I was already in the building. I wasn't gon wait for anyone.
Woooowww. I thought this is amazing
Then there came Zak and the others
"Sassy what on earth was that!? You liked totally ditched us?" He said calmly
"I ain't gonna mess around with y'all I wanna investigate." I stomped my foot
"Hi guys you must be the Ghost Adventures Crew? I'm Shawna the owner of the hotel, good to meet you guys." She shook hands with us
"Yea I'm Jordan the lead investigator"
"You seem aufullly young my dear but that's cool" she smiled
"Actually I am the lead investigator jords the second she's new and the youngest of the bunch" zak stood beside me introducing the crew
"Ok so tell us the history of the Copper queen hotel?" I asked concerned
"Well it was built in 1908 and there is a little boy named billy who is famous for his ghost roaming around the hotel there is also a prostutue that likes to show her naked self to men and she likes to seduce him."
Oh my gosh. Ew I thought ok keep it together jord
"That's awesome " Zak said to Nick
"That. Zak, my friend, is what you call a woman." Nick said back to Zak
Ummm Nick don't ya have a wife?
Then shut it. I thought about telling nick that just for a reminder and Zak what the hell.
Oh my gosh was I jealous .
Omg .

Blockhead and believerWhere stories live. Discover now