1/2 Date with J Part 2 (Shit Gets Real! )

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Zak's POV

I couldn't wait to go to Penhurst with J, but God does it really have to be two days before we go? It seems like such a long time, but I know the two days will go by fast. J and Jordan were still hanging at my house and then Aaron and Nick walked in my front door

Aaron- "sup Zak?" Aaron gave me a high five and a pat on the back (okkkk that was cheesy)

"what's happening Zak? what do we have here? fans?" Nick joked

"nothing much guys oh and these are my close friends this is J and her friend Jordan Knight from the band New Kids on the Block. J, Jordan, Nick Groff, and -"

"Aaron Goodwin! omg nice to meet yall!" J adoreably cut me off


what? Aaron Goodwin a ghost hunter, a fan of NKOTB? No way?! sadly way

"why didn't you tell us that you like NKOTB?" Nick looked concerned

"because I didn't want you and Zak making fun of me, I shouldn't be made fun of something I admire. like you Zak, you're like totally obsessed with Dracula and nobody makes fun of you. im just afraid that someone will but they're are tons of guys too who like the New Kids as a singing group and supporters of them." Aaron confessed, he does have a point

"that's great that you are a fan of us! how would you like to go on tour with us sometime?" Jordan offered

"that would be great thank you so much Jordan! can I have your autograph, I know I sound like a total diva right now but I don't care!"

"of course" Jordan getting out a black sharpie marker

"thanks again " Aaron smiled in appreciation

"no problem" Jordan making his day

"alright, lets get straight to business hea, we all need to get our gear ready for the investigation in a couple of days. enough with the shit and lets get going!"J commanded

we all did what she asked us to do like little children on a farm

2 days later

8:00 am

still Zak's POV

J, Nick, Aaron, and myself all woke up, got ready and headed out to Kentucky. Aaron was a little disappointed that Jordan Knight couldn't make it to this investigation because of the New Kids's "magic summer tour" so all he did most of the time was listen to the New Kids on his phone and stare at his autograph that Jordan signed for him. I sat in the backseat with J and couldn't keep my desperate blue eyes off of her, then this question was haunting my whole body again quickly snuck up on me unexpectedly. "ask J if she's single Zak?" the thought kept haunting me until I couldn't bare to keep the damn question quiet in my brain. so I asked her when we got to Penhurst without Nick and Aaron having to listen and bugging the shit out of me to kiss her infront of them just after I asked her. so I asked her before we did any interviews

" i'm gonna go out and get some fresh air see ya in a bit" J got out of the car to stretch and headed her way closer to the building

" hey J wait up!" I jogged to her, damn shes fast

"whats up?" she put her hands in her pockets

I was getting so nervous, my heart was racing faster than the racecars you see in Nascar, I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack because J was making me want her, she didn't show it but I could feel the sensation of love deep in my veins. I couldn't get the warm comfy feeling of her love out of my soul

" well, I hope you don't think this is awkward, umm I was just gonna ask umm if you were...

are you single?" theyre I said it (whew!)

"why did you ask that silly?" J chuckled "and, no I don't think this is awkward youre good Zak" she smiled

"ahhh ok that's good" I blushed. damn

" oh I forgot to answer your question. yeah im single. single as a pringle" J spoke sarcastically

" that's all I wanted to know" awkward why did I say that

"why did you wanna know that I was single? its ok if you do just another question to ask to get to know eachother better"

"yeah Im singlr too by the way"

"Nice" J nodded

Zak J hey you two love birds come over here we gotta get some interviews going here we already got 2 now you guys do the rest while we film!" Nick interrupted

The Investigation


holy kitty cow! I cannot believe that Im on an actual investigation with the Ghost Adventures Crew! I also get to hang tough with Zak. I think I told you guys earlier that I have a tiny little crush on him but nobody knows but me and that's gonna be like that til im ready to confess, til then its just between me and myself.

Zak wanted me to investigate one of the rooms that many children suffered in to see if we could catch anything and sure enough we captured great evidence! one piece that we captured was a little boy saying momma and then herd little footsteps down the hallway. Zak and I immediately scurried out of the room and headed towards the underground basement, where the basement leads hundreds and hundreds of miles to other parts of the building or to nowhere we herd footsteps and captured some EVP'S or electronic voice phenomena's. then Nick tripped over a chair and cut his hand open with a large piece of glass, Zak ran into a door and I tripped and fell and Zak caught me in time before I hit the cold concrete floor

let me tell you, Penhurst was awesome and I had quitea night thre with the guys (not in that kind of way if you were wondering)

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