Break Time

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Jordan's POV

After our investigation at my home state I decided to return to las Vegas and stay with Zak. The New Kids are still on their tour and won't be home until the beginning of October so I will he staying at Zak's place for sometime. Honestly I was thinking about living with him permanently. But what about Tennessee? My horses? My beautiful farmland? Maybe I can convince Zak to live with me there.

Naw. He wouldn't do that would he? So I stopped worrying because I was tired and wanted to sleep. I fell asleep in the car with Zak sitting beside me. I was so glad to be apart of the Ghost Adventures crew. It was a dream that became a reality. I thought I  would never get to be with Zak. I am just so blessed. I was happy.
Then I thought about Jordan K and the other kids. They were my best friends since we were all little. I was blessed to have them in my life as well. They were the biggest group in the history of music. Some people don't realize how people can make an impact on you're life.

2 hours later we finally stopped at a gas station I woke up getting back into reality man I haven't been back for a while.

"Everything alright j?" Nick asked.

"Fine." I yawned stretching.

"You want anything to eat or drink?"

"A water and maybe a cheesewich" I said.

"Alright" nick headed to the door.

"How'd ya sleep J?" Zak asked

"Great. You sleep?"

"For a while. I feel better."

"Me too."

"Just can't wait to go home." He said

"Me too."

We still had 1,300 and somethin more miles to go.

Sorry this was short I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm still alive and well. ✌
Peace and blessings

Blockhead and believerWhere stories live. Discover now