1/2 Date with J

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Zak's POV

I'm so glad that J said yes about going on our next suspenseful investigation because, for one i really like her and this usually dosent happen to me til later on in a "girlfriend relationship". 2, J and i talked some more and she said that she always wanted to go on an investigation with us lucky studs:-). and 3, we could use her as bait to capture more fantastic evidence to show skeptics more groundbreaking proof that the paranormal afterlife is legit. if you dont know cause I havent told you yet that we are going to Penhurst State School in Kentucky.

after J and Jordan and I left the steakhouse, i showed them more around Vegas, Jordan's been here a couple of times because of the New Kids tour and stuff and J has never really been to Vegas. she has been to Goldfeild where the Goldfeild hotel is at. i love J even more now cause she's been inside the Goldfeild Hotel!

"how was the Goldfeild Hotel? did you experience anything?" J could see the excitement in my eyes that i wanted to know her experiences there since we captured lots of great evidence in our 2004 Documentary.

"i did experince a bunch of things, i saw Elizabeth, the poor girl who got chaned up by a furnace while pregnant with some jackass's baby. "

i lauged when she said "with some jackass's baby cause the dude who killed her was a totlal jackass.

" then i went into the basement, where you and Nick experienced a brick being thrown across the room. i experienced a voice whispering in my ear "Zak and Nick were here".

woah, that was sort of spine chiiling

then Jordan interrupted

" guys ill tell you that ghosts are not real, what you guys plan to experience or once experienced, is just your wild imaginations, we all have them"

" you should really go to Penhurst with J, Nick, Aaron and I because im going to try to prove to you that ghosts, spirits and sadly, demons are real ok. no lie"

"well i could if only i had time out of my New Kids schedule maybe icouold go on an investigation with yall later."

"so when are we going to penhurst?' j asked

" in 2 days" i smiled

"cant wait" j smiled back

i think she likes me

ccore again

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