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Zak's point of view
Its so nice to be home for a while, just to sit back and chill is a blessing. Especially after all the hard work the ghost adventures crew has done.
I just got back to my place with Jord, Gracie was really excited to see us and jord took her out for a little stroll. I'm so comfy on the couch right now I might just fall asleep its 12 in the afternoon I think I deserve a nap.

Jords point of view
*inhales exhales* wow what a beautiful day in Vegas today the high temperature is supposed to be 89 degrees out not bad maybe Zak, Gracie and I can swim in his pool later on and shoot some hoops. One thing though I love Zak's place its just. I really miss my farm in Tennessee that is my home state and I would like Zak to see my home there one day. Maybe we can investigate a place there sometime.
"Alright Grace, think its time to head back to the house" I patted her.

I opened the door and Zak was sleeping.
How precious I thought.
So I let em sleep.
I went outside with Gracie and shot some hoops at his basketball court I'm pretty good at basketball its one of my favorite sports.
I played for about an hour or so when a surprise caught the ball.

"Great shots, you're pretty good at basketball girly." Zak flirted.
"Don't call me that cause I ain't girly. "
"Right. Tomboy" he shot and missed

"Hey you wanna take a swim?" He asked
"I was waiting for you."
I ran and jumped in the pool as is.
"Okay then" Zak pulled off his shirt and jumped in with me
"Cowabunga dude!" I yelled
We played Marco Polo shot hoops from the pool it was nice.
It wasn't til 6 when he decided to grill deer hamburgers and hotdogs
He's a really good cook for a person who's on the road 80% of the time.
Then we stayed up most of the night writing notes to each other or watching movies or acting stupid towards one another.

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