Another Ghost Hunt

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Zak's point of view

Unexpected phone call
*ring ring!!!!* my phone burseted.
"Hello? " I spoke decently
"Yea hi is this Zak Bagans?" The lady asked.
"Yeesss, and who is this..?" I replied back in an awkward tone.
"My name is Mindy Johnson, I'm calling about the eastern state penetentary in Philadelphia. We really need to know what is going on there such as unexplained footsteps, hearing scratching on the walls and loud moans and banging on walls. Will you guys come over and check it out sometime ?" The lady asked in a feakish tone.
"Yea sure we will head out tomorrow and we might get there in about two days. Oh and thank you for calling." Yes! Another investigation to go to.
The lady and I hung up after 10 minutes of writing down information about the eastern state penetenary in Philadelphia PA. Quite an interesting place and we are the first paranormal group ever to investigate there."
"J, Nick, Aaron! Come here guys we need to pack up and head towards Pennsylvania were Huntin ghosts there." I ran up towards the stairs.
"Really sweet! " J yelled and scurried down the stairs.
We all packed our stuff specifically our night vision cameras, thermal imaging cameras, evp recorders, sp7 spirit boxes, emf detectors etc... Also we packed clothes and that kinda stuff. We headed into the van and off we went. Eastern state pennetentary.
Nick drove for half the time and then Aaron drove the rest of the time while J and I sat in the back seat together. While Nick drove guess who came on the fuckin radio.....
Wasn't surprised that it was the New fags on the block, if I insulted you Blockheads I'm sorry. I officially hate them dudes!
Whatcha gonna do about it
Girrrlll whatcha gonna do, you know you done me wrong. I'm still in love with you.
"Ahhhhh omfg!! Whatcha gonna freakin do about it! I love this song bro!!" Aaron shouted in excitement.
"Quiet down! Would ya aaron! And besides you love every song by them." I yelled over the music.
"Sorry dude! Just can't help it." Yep, he's definitely got New Kids Syndrome.
"Guys how bout you all shut up I'm tryna drive here!" Nick focused on the road. He also turned down the radio a bit but jot low enough to were it still annoyed me to fucking death. Oh well I got J.
7 hours later we went to go get a bite to eat it was like 5 in the morning and we had IHOP. Finally I could get my ass that was numb as hell out of the car and stretch that booty out. Then inheloer J our if the car cause she was like half asleep. Nick and Aaron were already inside the building getting our seats.
"Hello welcome to IHOP. I'm jenny and I will be your servant today." The lady walked us to our table.
"What would everyone like to drink?"
"A huge damn shot of exspresso" J said sleeepily and lifted her head up.
"I would like a coke." I said
"Pepsi" aaron continued.
"Mountain dew." Nick finished.
"Alright I will have your drinks in a couplw minutes."
"Thank you " nick smiled
After two minutes we gitbour drinks and ordered our food.
J got like 10 peices of bacon with chocolate chip pancakes and hash browns, I got eggs, ham, sausage and some pancakes, Nick got pancakes and sausage and aaron got eggs bacon, grits and sausage
Hahahah eggs, bacon, grits, sausage.
When we got through eating we headed back on the road, this time Billy drove.
Another 5 hours later we stopped and got a snack and another 2 we got another but to eat.
And finally 6 or so hours we were at our final destination.
"Wow. Huge place." J's jaw dropped
"Got that right " Aaron said
"Well boys and girls time to head in here and meet our client." We all headed towards the main entrance of the jail.
There was an old man, about 60 or 70 and a woman who looked to be in her late 40s. The woman was like the new owner who took care of the place and the old man was like a gaurd there in the 60s.
"What a large facility. Quite neat this is the lady J im Zak Bagans, this is Nick Groff, and aaron Goodwin, also Billy Tolley, our audio tech. " I shook hands with both of them.
"I'm John gallenger and this is Mindy Johnson." John greeted.
After that john and Mindy told us the history of the place
"I used to work hers back in the 1960s as a gaurd to take care of the crooks and keep them in place keep em outta trouble. One of my pals got shot by Edwin freeman. He was one of the worst crooks this jail held. There was even a group of crooks that cooked a man ALIVE. "
Oohhh geez.
"What the fuck, were they like canibals or something?" J asked I cracked up.
"Na w, they were just dumb idiots that would get in trouble a lot. There as also someone who hung another person and I went to go check on the man and that's when we found him hangin people told Me when they waled around here they would see a man in a cell or hear someone scream bloody murder."
"Wow." I looked at the cells
"Well I have an idea, since a lot of men couldn't have a woman with them I think I'm gonna use J as a trigger object to see if we capture more evidence that way sound good J?"
"I'm up for it." She had her fist out for a fist bump
"Them let's get to moving on this investigation." I fist bumped her
We set up all of our equipment and billy was in charge of telling us if we caught something on our camera if we didn't spot it.
Here we go.

The investigation
Js point of view
Wow I can't believe Zak trusts me to sit in a jail cell seeing if I can capture more evidence. This is super cool.
Omg I just felt a cold chill by my left arm.

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