A New Member of the GAC!

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Zak's POV

J, Nick, Aaron, and myself got up at 6:00 am to start a finish to the evidence we captured at Penhurst yesterday, before we did anything I wanted to announce that J could be in with us investigating the most highly active, paranormal locations that we spend an entire night being locked down from dusk until dawn.


"JUST GET ON THE FLOOR DO THE NEW KIDS DANCE" Aaron jumped up doing a stupid dance "come on Nick do the New Kids dance with me!" Nick refused

"hell no I am not doing that stupid dance it looks really stupid" nick had his funny face on

"i'll do the New Kids with you Aaron" J stood next to Aaron

they danced to hangin' tough witch was totally out of plan. I didn't even know that when I said "listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance" was a lyric to Hangin' Tough by the New Kids

"OK OK OK GUYS THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO DO! WHAT I REALLY WANTED TO SAY WAS J.... do you want to be apart of our Ghost Adventures?" I asked her like I was gonna marry her but I really want to ask her that too one day.

"hell yeah I want to be a member of the Ghost Adventures Crew! it's always been my dream to become a paranormal investigator" J was so delighted her eyes sparkled with passion I knew that she deserved another one of her dreams to come alive and discover what happens in the afterlife. we do not know for sure what really happens but that's why they're are paranormal investigators in the world, is so that we can find answers of what has not been answered yet.

"well sweetie you are an official member of the Ghost Adventures Crew!" I spoke with pure passion

J ran up to me jumped on top of me both of us collapsing on the bed, that's when my heart started beating faster and faster. I was desperate to kiss her, but I couldn't I hardly know her. ive known her for about a month now and some of you might thin that's long enough and some of you say that isn't long enough. i'm just afraid that we wouldn't hit it off to well, afraid that I would make a mistake, afraid that I would treat J wrong. I've got J now, but not truly until i'm ready to face my fears of what love has to give me next.

"awwww look at them two lovebirds " Nick smiled embarrassing the shit out of me

"shut the hell up Nick" I turned my head up looking at him

"I've got to call Jordan, this is amazing!"J got off of me heading her way to get her phone. why does she have to tell Jordan. oh right because Jordan's her best friend. you know to tell you the truth, I thought Jordan was J's older brother they basically look alike but J doesn't have a last name but she will one day if she marries me. I still don't like that Jordan

"yo Jordan whats up!?" j hollerd




"that's great honey but do you have to yell in the phone im not deaf sweetie" Jordan laughed " so you still going on tour with us later on?"

"well I don't know now, I mean since im a ghost hunter now i'm not really sure if I have time to hang out very much with yall anymore and what if something follows me home or on tour that wouldn't be good what so ever. i'm trying to protect you Jordan and Donnie, Danny, Joey and Jon. I don't want any of yall getting hurt"

"but I don't want you getting hurt, whats all the stuff about ghosts following you home?" Jordan sounded worried

" some ghosts attach to you Jordan, which means that if you are somewhere that has a lot of paranormal activity occurring, the ghosts find the soft spot or whatever in you and attach themselves to you. this is called in my words a ghostly attachment. demons do the same thing although they disguise themselves as for example a little kid they could mock a little kid for like a moment or two and then they mock someone else like Zak for example he could be telling me and the guys to be careful and then on our EVP recorder his same exact voice could reflect on the recorder."

" but how would you know if it was a demon? those EVP recorders could just pick up his voice" Jordan smartmothed I hate it when he does that

"EVP recorders cant do that! basically what you do Is ask the spirit a question and see if they answer, they're not going to answer all the time, but when they do, they give you a physical or an intelligent response. ghosts give off different wavelengths than us, they talk faster so your gonna really have to pay attention." damn that's a lot of explaining

"i understand and if you wanna do this J, go for it I believe in you even though youre capturing nothng but your own imagination" Jordan joked (hes a skeptic)

"shut up Knight how would you know that ghosts aren't real youre not the paranormal investigator here"

"that's right im not" Jordan chuckled

" well one day im going to bring you on a lockdown with us Aaron will be happy bout that"

"Aaron, he's cool"

"yeah he is" I smiled "and so is Zak and Nick" I whispered

"Nick's cool too just don't know about Zak, he's really weired creeps me out" Jordan said discustingly. what is so wrong with Zak? absolutely nothing.

"Zak's cute" I whispered growing a smile and felt myself blushing

"what?" Jordan concernly asked

"uhhhh nothing well got two go check you later"

"see ya J ill miss you til I see you again"

"yep bye"

"bye love" Jordan hung up

whew, that was long

"hey sweetie done talking to Jordan?" Zak asked

"yep, whats up?"

"the ceiling just kidding nothing much, you?" Zak's hilarious although that joke is quite old but Zak never does :-)

"nothing much, hey wanna go grab a bite to eat im starving" I patted my small gut

"yeah why didn't you say something lets go babe. what you in the mood for?" Zak took my hand

"cheeseburgers!!" Aaron Nick and I yelled

"lets get he hell out of here then" we all headed out the door.

living the life of a GAC member felt great :-)

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