Zak's Daydream

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I was laying on the couch in my living room dozing off into a dream. But it wasn't an ordinary dream, I discovered that after I get locked down in haunted locations for 12 hours, I experience horrific nightmares that no one wants to have including me, they keep me up tossing and turning for the rest of the night, but since J became a member of the GAC I haven't had as many violent nightmares as if she wasn't there. This nightmare wasn't about me though it was about J, I am extremely worried about her because I feel like she is in danger. I'm not kidding I feel like something has followed me home to you true not just me but J. The nightmare felt real. All of a sudden I saw J walk into my dungeon that I have and herd the door slam shut, she turned her head and ran up to the door, J tried to open it but the door was locked! She couldn't unlock it either. All of a sudden I herd a loud scream and dropped everything that I had in my hands and ran to my dungeon. I tried to open the door but before I got there I felt a huge pressure pull me back up against my wall and slammed me into it! Knocking tons of breath out of me! I saw nothing but I knew exactly what was pulling me back and trying to make me weak, the evil entity that followed me home. I had to save J, then I felt sharp long claws rip into my shirt causing three blood red deep cut marks into my chest and the demon whispered in my ear "there is no way in hell that you can see Jordan she will become one of us and she will die in your arms causing enternal misery" the evil bastards deep voice wanted me to push him off me but before I could do anything I was on my cold wooden floor. I felt so weak that i couldn't get up, I finally had the strength to get up after a couple of seconds, I crawled up to my dungeon door and I felt my body go through it and there I was. In my dungeon, now it's time to go find J

"J?!! Sweetie! Where are you it's me Zak!" I screamed from the top of my lungs

"Zak!! Help me" I saw J sitting in my chair all tied up in rope cutting her circulation with a blindfold covering her eyes and tape keeping her mouth closed. But how could she talk is she...

That evil son of a bitch is mocking her.

"J sweetie are you okay?! I stroked her hair slightly while taking the tape off her mouth and uncovering the blindfolds.

"Yea I'm fine can't really feel my wrists and arms though but in general I'm fine "

"I'll be back I'm gonna go get something to get the ropes off they're too tight for me to take off will you be okay? I really don't want you to be alone " I stared deeply at J

"Yep" she smiled

I ran as fast as my soul would let me and whent into the kitchen to get a sharp knife when all of a sudden i felt chains tie me up causing bruises to show up onto my skin. The bruises were so severe that the bruises busted and turned into bloody pools of blood dripping onto the floor the demon laughed while I was shouting in pain! Then I was slammed against the wall . Blood fell out of my mouth. Causing me to feel nauseous. I pulled myself up and limped back to my dungeon with the sharp blade in my hand, I walked into find J

J was gone

"J where are you honey "

"Zak!!! Hellllpppp!" J shouted half of her body was in the real world and half of it was

BEING PULLED INTO A PORTAL!! Oh hell no that son of a bitch is not going to take J away from me!!

I limped to her and grabbed her hands tightly hoping to not hurt her and she fell right on top of me. Thank the lord I saved her. Now I wanted to know if she was okay

"Are you alright sweetie?!" I softly put her chin in my hands

"Yea thanks Zak" j smiled "now the question is from me are you alright?"

"I've never felt better" we both laughed

"Thanks again Zak. I ... Love"

"You " I finished "I love you too sweetheart I stared into her black eyes that we're starting to turn in to a beautiful silky brown . I've never seen Js eyes that color before they were so beautiful. I am so glad I saved her, if I would've lost her I would never be the same. I bent my head over so that J didn't have to and I put my lips on top of Js silky pink ones. I never felt this way with anyone I felt loved and i felt like I needed J to keep me alive. She is the blood that pumps my heart and runs through my veins. She's the oxygen I breathe. I don't care how old she is or how tomboyish she is (it's cute) as long as she's loved by me. I love her for who she is I care about her so much! To tell you the honest truth from the bottom of my heart I'm in love with J, I've loved her ever since she walked into my life. She has made my life complete I have found the one that I need most. That's J

I kissed J passionately once more and picked her up "let me fix you up" I whispered

"What about you Zak you have the most damage" j worried

"Don't worry about me I'm okay the most important thing that I need to worry about is you baby cakes"

" I have to worry about you I care about you Zak so shut up " j laughed at the last part

"Okay you can worry bout me . I care about you more " I smiled

"Whatever you say Bagans" j joked


"Zak.. Zak!!" A voice shook me

"Back off you ol dirty bastard you are not going to hurt her agin" I woke up to surprisingly to see Arron and Nick look at me like I'm crazy

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Bro" Aaron backed off

"Yea let us in on i?!" Nick agreed

"Guys this is fucking serious shit here! You have to believ me there is something out there that is after J! It's not good either it wants to kill her but before it does it wants her to become one of them and kill her to make me miserable for my enternal life I'm not gonna let that fucking peice of shit take the girl of my dreams away! I've got to find a way to protect her!" I sat up breathing heavily

Nick sat down beside me while Aaron stood standing" Zak everything's gonna be okay did this demon follow you home"

"Apparently it followed me home when we were investigating at Penhurst and doesn't like J and I . Wait think about it.... This ugly coward is just like all the other cowards that scared all of my girlfriends away cause either they're jealous or they want to make my life a living hell obviously they're good at it. But this demon is worse it wants J to become one of them and then they'll kill her while she is one of them "

"How do you know?" Arron asked

"Dude he dreamed about it " Nick corrected him

"Right, look the point is Nick and I will be there for you and J nothing's gonna happen to her we will figure this fucked up shit out"

"Like hell we will. Then the bastard said that he would return and steal J away from me I love her and that thing is not going to take her away from me. There is something about her that makes me feel that she is the one. Guys I'm being serious here we got to tell J somehow that she needs to be protected by me at all times without her thinking that I'm totally in love with her. I am but it's nog time for me to confess that I'm in love . " I was shaky and nervous but I had to do what needs to be done

" obviously we knew you liked her Zak , but don't worry Aaron and I will help you figure something out" Nick and Aaron stood side by side

" yall better but I know yal wil thanks"

I hope this will be easy but nothing's easy in this damn complicated world

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