Realizin' The Truth

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J's point of view

I am really bored at the moment so I decided to take out a peice of paper and start jotting my thoughts down since I have nothing else to do with my life at the moment.
I cannot stop thinking about Zak. For some reason the last couple of days, that boy has been glued in my mind to where I can't even think straight no more. What happened between Jordan Knight and I, well I'm not feelin' it anymore that's for sure. I sure do miss em though. Man after that possession, the poor things gotta take it easy. Still can't believe something happened to him like that.

Then I herd a knock on the door
So I put my paper under the pillow
Man, it was Zak.

"Hi jord, you doing okay? You seem a little shaken up?" He shut the door.

"Yea. Man. I'm fine. " I slowly looked up.

"You sure? You seem... Different?" Zak froze.

"You seem different." I said sounding a little desperate.

Woah, isn't this how Zak acted when he was at the Preston Castle? No way this cannot be a deja vu? No cause I ain't Zak. Somehow I'm acting like he did when he was there though. Huh.

"You're starting to act like how I acted when I was at the Preston Castle. Are you sure you're OK?" Zak worried.

I started humming. Oh no! I hum or sing when I'm nervous! I know what's wrong with me. No I can't get nervous now!

"I know what the problem is Zak!" I got out of bed shouting

"What sweetie?" He followed me.

"Well.... I'm... Nervous."

"About what?"

"Trust me, you wouldn't understand." I looked out the window.

"Well if you tell me, maybe I would understand." He turned me around to look at him.

I saw the love in his eyes. The love that he could give me one day. I would never see it if I didn't tell him but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Although maybe I should tell him, just so the nervousness would go away.

"Ight Zak. The truth is..." I sighed "I am starting to grow strong feelings for you. Dude ever since Jordan left I realized how amazing of a person you are. Yea I liked you as only an investigator when I was with Jordan because I had him to love. Now that Jordan is off touring with the other New Kids, I am starting to fall in love with you. I'm realizing that I wanna be with you. " I sighed again in relief that my guilt in me was gone.

"Babe, I've been in love with you since the day I layed my deathly eyes on you. Yea there were a couple of times where I played hard to get. I was jealous of Jordan and I'm sorry its just I don't like it when other dudes get in the way of a girl who is a once in a lifetime chance to make a man like me happy. " Zak grabbed both my hands and played with my fingers. We stared at each other deeply and listened to the rythums of our increasing heartbeats, as we gotten closer and closer to each other. Zak put his hand on my cheek and rubbed it then kissed my cheek. A second later, he slid his lips down to my lips. Planted a soft, wet, passionate kiss on my dry, cracked red lips.

I couldn't help but smile after I've been kissed by this dude. 😊😊

"How was it?" Zak whispered kissing me again.

I giggled " it was real niiiiicccee." My eyes fluttered sighing romantacly. I kissed back.

"Ooh are we adding some tounge here?" Zak got excited.

"Guess so baby." I bit his bottom lip.

"Well I love it, I don't want this moment to end." Zak kept whispering. That was good cause I had a headache.

"It don't have to honey." I smiled.

I was so glad that I didn't have to suffer through this horrible anxiety anymore when I was around Zak now that I told him that I loved him. Now I will have to tell Jordan that I can't go out with him cause I'm dating Zak.

" I love you sweetie." Zak softly moaned. Nibbling on my ear.

My face turned bright red and my jaw hurted cause I was smilin' so much I've never been this happy.
"Love you too Zakky Bear." I messed with his hair.

"Zakky Bear, that's a cute name." He chuckled "when did ya think of that? " he asked.

"Long time ago before I met you."

"Really?" Shocked
"Yea. Didn't say it though til now you like it?"

"I love it babe but I love you more." He hugged and kissed me aggressively.

It was 8:00 so I had to tell Jordan Knight the news.

"Hi J! What's happening?" Jordan was so happy to hear from me.

"Jordan. I need to a tell you something, dont get mad its the truth. Although I'm doing great " I nicely spoke

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I'm going out with Zak. I told him that I was in love with him, he felt the same way. I just dont feel it between you and I anymore Jordan although I love ya like a cousin and always will." I winked I knew he'd understand. All Jordan wants is for me to be happy and I am with Zak Bagans.

"Jord. I want you to be happy, and if you're happy, that's all I want. I'm proud of you, love him as long as he loves you I'm happy too. " I knew that's what jordan would say.
"Thanks man. Love ya. Be safe out there ight?"
"Will do Chickie love ya 2. "

"Was he mad?" Zak asked.
"Nope he is happy for me that's good, cause I don't want no fights " I hugged Zak.

"Me neither cause I don't know what I'd do without you J baby." He held me tight and kissed me slowly and passionately.

Blockhead and believerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora