Recovering from a hangover

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Jords POV

I was sound asleep when all of a sudden the phone rang and a terrible pain rushed through my brain.
*ring ring*!

My gosh it hurts like hell.

"Who is this?" I answered my phone not paying attention

"J, J you alright?" Joey Mac asked concerned.

"Joey! " I yelled. Causing the pain to increase. Holding my head " hey man. Ya I'm OK what's up?"

"I was calling to check on you haven't herd from you in a while. Are toy sure you're OK?" He asked

"Of course Joey just recovering from.. Ah shit I got drunk last night so now I'm dealing with a fuckin hangover I'm so sorry Joey." I shook my head.  I felt so horrible

"Well.. I hope you get better. Did you have fun at least?" He asked

"Yes! Best night of my life, hey I ran into Hayden haven't seen him in ages he's doin great ya know!" I started thinking of the old memories gosh them good old days

"That's great! Glad to hear that Hayden is alright. What about you and Zak? You two ya know..." I knew exactly what he was thinking and that was not the case one bit.

"Hell naw Joey let's keep it PG here shall we?" I rolled my eyes to his previous comment

"Ahh I'm just jokin with ya jord we all miss you." Joey said. I chuckled

"Miss y'all too Joey Joe, hey man I gotta go so I can sleep the rest of this shit off. I'll talk to you some other time be safe ya hear!" I concluded

"Alright as long as you do the same." Joey said.

"Bye" I waved at the phone. (So clingy when I'm hungover)

"Bye jord" he said

I hung up the phone and I was our before my head hit the pillow.

A couple of hours later Zak walked down to the living room to see if I was up and to get some breakfast. I herd his soft breathing and his warm hand slide across my cheek and forehead. My sleepin frown grew to a sleepin smile. However I didn't want to wake up.

I did anyway.

"Mornin beautiful. How'd ya sleep?" Zaks raspy voice echoed through my ears. ❤💕

"Great man. You?" I streched.

" good but couldive slept better if you were with me." He kissed my lips. "Want anything to eat after a long night of partying hard?" He got up walking towards the kitchen

"Sure. Let me help I would like some chocolate chip waffles and hash browns." I had to get up off the comfy couch? Oh well.

Cool thing was while Zak and I  were busy makin breakfast he had a ceiling speaker like you hear the music from the ceiling in stores. Dude let me tell you his house is nice anyway we jammed out. Reminding me on how much we both enjoyed last night. Being with Zak are the best moments of my life and I wanted to be with him forever. However I missed my Boston friends and I had to tell them sooner or later that I wanted to live with Zak. Being with him is intoxicating.

"You're trembling. What's the matter sweetie?" Zak quit dancin as I was starin out the window.

"Nothin. I was thinking on when I should tell the new kids that I wanna be with you." I said

"I think you should tell them when they are done touring. " zak rubbed my back. " don't rush into things. Relax." He kissed my forehead.
Zak always knows what to say ya know?

"Alright thanks." I took his advice.

"Now let's think of something to get out of this boredom." Zak headed upstairs to get dressed.

"Shouldn't we go over the evidence that we captured at my "original home state"? " I asked

"We could do that tomorrow, but today, let's get you're mind off of bothering thoughts babe." Zak said.

Cool beans. I thought

Another update. I hope you enjoy! I would like to get more reads on these things. Sometimes I'm just a horrible writer, anyhow as always peace and blessings! 😆✌

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