Break Time part 2

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We got back to Vegas Zak decided that he wants to go and play poker so he brings me along with him. When we get to the casino everybody asks
"Oh my gosh so you're Zak's girlfriend?" Everybody's faces lit up they weren't mad like they were with his pervious chicks, one even said
"Wow, the well raised  country girls. I was imagining that Zak would have an appreciative hard working woman, not one of those sluts that wine about everything.' I had to laugh at that one cause it was true. I am amazing 😊
Zak said. "Yep. She's the one my girl." He planted one passionate one on me. I had a few drinks. Zak even havld a couple of shots then things started a to get freaky. Eventually I told him to keep it PG since we were out in public. He didn't realize how good I was at playing pool cause I won $5,000 by playing with a guy named jase who clearly sucked at pool. It was one of the best nights of my life. I felt free with zak. Then I ran into the New Kids they weren't drinking or anything they were at one of the shows. Everyone was having a good time.

Dreams over back to reality..

"Wake up J." Nick nudged me once more.

"Sorry nick I just had a pretty good dream where are we now?"

" Arizona we are staying at a hotel."

"Alright " no big deal

The next morning we only had 8 more hours and we'd be home.

Finally we arrived at 2:27 pm and voy was I glad to lay on Zak's couch.

"So good to be home" I sighed 😁 even though Vegas wasn't really my home I just said it cause I was partially living with zak for like 4 more months.

" what do you want to do tonight sweetie?" Zak asked plopping on the couch.

"Right now I want to relax and sleep." I said.

"Count me in." Zak said "I'm going upstairs."

I was already out when he said that.

Blockhead and believerWhere stories live. Discover now