Going to Vegas Part 2

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J's P.O.V

Last day of school!

Holy cow! Finally it is the last day of school! I've been waiting for this day to arrive and here it is, thank the Lord! I only have 27 more day until I go to Vegas with the New Kids to see Zak Bagans from my number one favorite show, Ghost Adventures. I'm sure Jordan has told you already that I admire that show a lot. Oh, its just amazing! Especially Zak he's soooo dreamy! His eyes are so serious and charming, his hair is so shiny and his BODY!!! Oh lord I think I'm falling. Like I said ZAK IS SOOO DREAMY!!!!

I must admit I do have a tiny little crush on him just don't tell Jordan. He doesn't need to know if he doesn't obviously know already. It's ok if he does I don't care. I'm open. Anyways I just want wait to go to Vegas that all I can say.


Jordan Knights POV

Today is J's last day of school. I am so glad that school's out for the summer. I get to spend another week at home before we go back on tour but I decided to hit the road early and start out in Vegas.

With J.

Just the two of us so she can meet Zak. I think she likes him more than a dude who hunts ghosts, I think she has a crush on him. Not that I'm jealous or anything, I just think that its obvious that she likes Zak, so yeah.

Anyhow, I asked J to pack her bags we are going on a surprise trip before we head back on tour. I didn't tell her where though because what kind of surprise would it be if I told her where we're going? It wouldn't be a surprise.

"J, pack your bags, were going somewhere." I smiled leaning on her wall in her room.

"Oooh, where!?" she jumped up

"Its a surprise. You'll love it I promise."

"Ok!" She jumped.

An hour later we hit the road and headed to the airport. By the time we got there it was 9:00. We got on the plane, chilled for a while, watched Ghost Adventures for a couple hours, and hit the hay for a big day in Vegas tomorrow. I was actually pretty excited too, just to see Tube Veiw and meet pretty girls, have fun with J, and meeting Zak Bagans.

You know whenever J and Zak meet I think they'll be perfect together, but I was thinking J and I might have a chance too if only she like me more than a best friend. But, for now, if she wants Zak, then sure she can have him until I'm ready to ask her out myself.

16 hours later

Still Jordan's POV

Finally we got to the airport in Las Vegas! My bum was numb and I wanted to get out of my seat. Woah... it is really beautiful here in Vegas and hot, holy cow!

"J, we're here." I gently shook J awake

"We are? Oh yes. Wait, where are we!?"

"LAS VEGAS NEVADA!!!!!!! NO FREAKING WAY! HOLY HOT ZAK BAGANS WERE IN VEGAS I LOVE YOU JORDAN FOR THIS!!!!!" J jumped right out of her seat and hugged me tightly. I knew she would love it even better.

"We're staying for a week."

"Hell yeah baby. I'm gonna make the best of it! Thanks Jordan, you rock man." J gave me a high five and hugged me.

Boy did I make her day. :-) That's what a best friends supposed to do. :-)

We got off the plane, our stomachs growling. We went to go to a restaurant to get something to munch on.

A mile away there we went to a chicken place and that was some yummy grindage bro. We went to go to our hotel and while we were getting out of the car and just then J and I saw someone very familiar especially to J that made her almost faint but she kept it inside so he wouldn't get freighted. Not that he would be frightend anyways

"Hey guys." Zak greeted

"Hello." I waved back

"Good day, mate." J said in an Australian accent.

It was Zak Bagans the lead investigator of the Ghost Adventures Crew.


Holy moly, its Zakky!!!! I've always wanted to meet him! He's the best ghost investigator on this whole planet, gosh I love him so much! He's so freaking hot!

Oh, sorry. Fangirl moment.

Anyhow, he walked with us to our hotel room and hung out with us all day. It was so awesome and he also showed us his house. Then he told us that we could stay with him for our whole week so we had to get our stuff from the hotel but its was ok. We didn't mind. Jordan and I adored Gracie, Zakkys precious dog. He even took us out to dinner and everything!

Anyhow he kept flirting around with me and Jordan got wayyy over protective so at dinner Zak and him talked for a while.

"So your from New Kids, huh? You guys are cool." Zak smiled.

"Yes, and J talks about you all the time." Jordan replied.

I just smiled and blushed a bit. Zak thought it was cute, he said so.

When we were done with dinner, we went back to Zaks house and got ready for bed since it was 1 when we got in. All in all, this was probably the best day of my entire life.

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