After date

23 0 0

J's point of view

Well I had a really good time with Zak last night and I just wanna say thanks to him for everything that he has given to me. If it wasn't for Zak I wouldn't be living my dreams right now.

*Zak walks into room*
" hey J, how'd ya sleep?"
"Great, thanks for the date man. "
"Of course no problem." Zak smiled
For some reason my heart started bubbling more when I said that. I didn't know why the hell it was doing that, it better stop! That's unpleasent for me to feel.
"Would you like to go on another date some time? you don't have to consider it one." Zak asked "I love hanging out with you." He smiled
"Sure me too." I gave him a cool look
After all the things I said so far, I felt awkward.
My brain was telling me something that I didn't want to believe because my best friend is Jordan Knight (NKOTB) and I seemed to like him. However, that feeling was starting to change, for some reason (can't believe I'm saying this) my feelings were hungry for Zak! Why? I don't f-ing know. He just made my heart skip beats when I was with him last night and didn't realize it til now. Although I'm not 100% in love with Zak at the moment, right now its about 5% probably. Jordan K on the other hand 100% over, Yea I still like him, but not in a romantic way. I never really considered myself " romantic " anyways.
Anyhow, I was fine after I said those awkwardly things to Zak today.

Blockhead and believerWhere stories live. Discover now