Year 2 Chapter 2

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Alex's Pov

It has been a few days since the school year has started, not much has actually happened but there is still a feeling of excitement. All of the new first years are excited to be at this school while simultaneously anxious about the future and graduating from Class A.

I have managed to see some of the more important characters in the first year, I have not seen my supposed sister though, even though she seems to be living a rather reserved lifestyle right now I have seen quite a few things on the school forums about her.

It seems like after the first day everybody saw her OAA and now she is extremely popular as being the overall highest ranked first year, with her stats it is not surprising.

At this school being acquainted with the "alpha" can save you in a time of trouble, it is like a business person wining and dinning a client in hopes they will chose their business for a job.

I would imagine that on someone like "Elena" that would not be very effective though, I feel like it is the kind of situation where she will act in her best interest, similar to me.

From pictures people have posted of her I can tell that she looks younger than what I remember from the show, I guess that is to be expected, I would still say she could pass for 20 though.

Anyways, soon the partner exam will happen, then the crazy charade With Hosen and Amasawa, the thing where Chadokoji takes a knife in the palm.

I could try to get my sister to take the exam with him since I can be sure that he would pass and save him the anxiety and trouble, but I plan to be the one to be her partner. In this exam the top 5 overall scoring duos receive a large amount of points as a reward so of course I will get that.

I am also sure that literally every second year will want to be her partner, I will probably have to discuss it with her when we finally talk.

I got a text from her that she will meet me this Saturday to talk and catch up, I wonder how much I will have to tell her and if I should give her any points, she will no doubt be interested in securing funds and equipment.

Sometime soon they will announce this partner exam and I am really wondering if anything will change, if I am to guess I would think there will be some minor changes but overall go similar to what I know.

I also can only assume Kei and Ayanokoji are dating even though I have no data I can't think of any reason they wouldn't be, good luck to him.

Once the weekend finally arrived I was once again brought back to the reality that stuff happens slower in real life and the days where nothing happens are generally pretty boring. Today I have something to do though so I am happy, learning about naval history and watching anime can only last so long until everything turns into ship girl.

Since the year started I plan to spend less in person time with Sae and Fuka, there is way to much stuff that will be happening and I need more time, not to mention Fuka will start playing a role in the story and I do not want to remove a potentially important factor for a reason like that.

Since we are in different dorm building I will have to meet her by the door, the time set to meet was 7:00PM, I wonder if she expects me to make dinner? Well I don't really mind so I might as well, with all the points from the Zodiac Exam and that I have been saving over the months I would have been fine with going to a fancy restaurant all month, the finance guy in my brain would still kill me if I did that.

I went down to wait there 10 minutes earlier since I can imagine how annoying it would be for her if she was loitering outside the dorm room waiting for me, especially if someone like Ike was there. I was wearing a hoodie and athletic shorts, all day today I have been watching survival videos to help learn tips for the next Island Exam.

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