Beautiful: Hardcase

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My first one-shot, featuring the Beautiful clown, Hardcase.

I love him.

Also, Note, I don't know much about Clone Ranking. If anything is incorrect, please comment on it!

(It's short, 691 words.)

"Thanks for your service. We are very low on medics."

   Y/N had decided to become a Medic for GAR after the 212th liberated her home planet from Sepratist control. With her parents encouragment, she set out to help the Republic win the terrible war.

After taking the entire training course, she had been assigned to the 501st battalion which served under the Jedi General, Skywalker.

  Now, she was in a meeting with their Captain.

"It's my pleasure. You boys can use all the help you can get." She states.

There's a crash in the hallway, and a Clone stumbles in before quickly shutting the door.

Rex stands from his place from behind his desk.

"Hardcase! What are you doing?"

"Shhhh!" Hardcase says, putting a finger to his lips. Y/N studied him. He had the same face and build as any other clone, although his head was shaved. Y/N thought he was quite handsome, with blue tattoos decorating his face. His large brown eyes held a mischievous look as he quickly locked the door.

  "I put pink glitter in Kix's helmet." 

  Rex sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
    "How long will he be mad."

  Hardcase pauses, before a smirk covers his face.

  "Three days at the most." There is banging at the door, and the clone yelps, moving to hide behind the desk.

  His eyes land on Y/N, and he smiles.

  "Oh hey, I'm—" he freezes as he looks at her. She is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen. Her
H/C  hair in a neat bun at the base of her neck, her charming E/C eyes that smile back at him.

   "-Hardcase." He stutters out, a deep red consuming his face when he realized he had been staring.

   "Hardcase! I know you're in there!" A angry shout came from behind the door. As Rex moved to open it, Hardcase dove behind the desk.

   A extremely angry clone stepped through the door, and impressive amount of sparkling glitter in his hair. Y/N had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

"I swear to the Kriffing Maker, Rex, where is he?"

Rex stared at him, his mouth slightly parted.

Under the desk, Hardcase began to panic. He knew how terrible his captain was at lying. His fate was sealed: cause he knew Kix would kill him.

"He just pasted by." A Beautiful, angelic voice reached Hardcase's ears. "You must be Kix."

Y/N stood, smiling at the angry Medic at the door.

"Ah, Kix, this is your new Nurse, Y/N. Y/N, this is our lead Medic, Kix." Rex says quickly.

Kix nodded at her.

"I'm sorry about this, ma'am. I would have liked to be introduced to you in a more civilized way. But that nerfherder put glitter in my helmet."

"How about you to find him?" Rex said quickly. "And I can, uh, finish my meeting with Y/N."

Kix nodded, saluting at Y/N.

"It will be a honor to work with you." Turning on his heel, he strode out the door, yelling Hardcase's name.

As soon as the door closed, Hardcase jumped up.

"I owe you my life."

Y/N smiled at him, and he felt his knees weaken.

"I don't owe you a thing. I'm the youngest of twelve, you see, and I was the troublemaker. Always got in trouble. And us clowns need to look out for each other." She winks at him. "And glitter in the helmet is an amazing trick."

They both turn their heads as a groan comes from Rex.

"Great. Now there's two of you."

  Y/N laughed, which to Hardcase's ears sounded like thousands of bells ringing. And that's when he knew: he was head over heals in love.

Ta-da! I hope y'all like this first one shot! I'm not sure if I like this way of writing, but you all might like it!

May the force be with you!


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