Anything- Finn... Pt. 1

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He was the only thing that mattered to you.

From the beginning of training, he had been next to you.


Years later, when you couldn't get up from your legs cramping, he was the only one who stopped in the hallway to help you back to your barracks.

"I've got you, 98." He huffed, placing an arm around you waist and supporting you to your bunk.

FN-2298. That was your trooper identification number. With your short cropped H/C hair and E/C, you where the ideal first order trooper. You always tried your hardest in training, and you never questioned anything.

Until he did, refusing to fire at the villagers.

  You didn't know what love was, you had only experienced something close to it when he hugged you the first time.

  You where surprised when he talked about escaping with you. He claimed that you two could make it to the outer rim.

  But the concept scared you. What where you without the first order? They fed you and cared for you, gave you a place in the galaxy. What where you without them? They never did anything wrong.

The First Order Is Always Right.

  And then you where positioned to guard the resistance pilot, Poe Dameron. And you realized what Kylo Ren was doing to him, mentally and physically.

  No person should ever go through that torture.

   "We can get him out." You whispered, glancing around your bunks to make sure no one was listening. "Then we can flee."

  The torture they did to Poe made you realize... the first Order wasn't as good as they told you.

  "You and me?" He asked, gripping your hand. You gave him a small nod.



  "All three of us can't fit in the Tie Fighter." Poe pointed out, glancing between the two of you. FN-2187 glanced at you, his brown eyes wide. Of course... why hadn't you thought of it before?

  "Then I stay here." 2187 said quickly, gently taking your hand.

  "There is no way in Hell." You snapped, glancing at the pilot. He red rimmed eyes gave you renewed resolve, and you looked out into the hallway.

  "How long do you need to get out?" You ask, slipping back on your helmet.

  "30 Seconds, tops." Poe said, looking at you with surprise.

"As soon as you pull out, the alarm will sound."  You said, your visor turning to 2187. "I will try my best to get to the control room in time, cause a diversion."

  "No." He said. You roll your eyes beneath your helmet. "I'll be fine. I will get out soon. I promise."


  You put your helmet on because you knew you where a liar. Treason was punishable by death, if you weren't killed by one of the troopers during your diversion.

  He sighed, slipping on his helmet.
  "You and me?" He asked. You give him a small smile beneath the helmet— a smile he would never see.


Part two?

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