Stupid: Boba Fett... Pt.2

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Very slight book of boba fett spoilers.... Anyways, I hope you all like it!

(First part was requested by FandomTrashBin69

    "Jango, what are you doing?" Y/N asked her four year old son, Jango. He smiled at her, holding up his toy Jawa, which had a large bolt in its hands.

  "I'm stealing! That's what Jawas do!" He said, in a voice that told her that he thought it was obvious. She smiled at him, wiping her oily hands on her apron.

  He was a spitting image of his father, really. The dark curls that sat on a pile atop his head, the round face, and the big, brown eyes.

    "Here you go." Y/N said, handing a fixed R2 unit head to the waiting Twi'lek. As they spoke, little Jango stood up, moving to front of the workshop. Tapping the Twi'lek's arm, he held up his toy proudly.

   "This is my Jawa. His name is Sandy." He informed the customer. She smiled at him, kneeling on the ground.

  "He's a cute little guy. Does he have any friends?" She asked, a smile on her blue face.

   "Yeah! I have a Mandalorian!"

   "How fun! Hey, I have to go, but how about next time I stop by you can show me him!"

  Jango nodded excitedly, and as the lady walked away, he sat down in the shade of the workshop.

  "Hey, ad'ika, would you like some water?" Y/N asked, wiping a bead of sweat away from her brow.

"Sure, mama!"

As his mother moved inside their small house, Jango shaded his eyes to look at the twin suns of Tatooine.

Many passerby could be seen strolling through the marketplace, buying and selling goods. Y/N's small Mechanic shop in Mos Espa did good business. She was known to be kind and to have competitive prices, along with the fact that she treated her customers like family.

The wound from Boba's death had just started to heal when the slave 1 was stolen.
By whom, she wasn't sure, but she suspected the Hutts. And with her newborn son she couldn't go hunt them down. She had Considered hiring a hunter, but prices for a good hunter where just too expensive, and she wasn't about to waste her credits on a cheap work.

That was three years ago.

Jango looked down at the sand, drawing pictures in it with his finger.

"This is the place." He heard a female voice said, and he looked up. Standing in front of the stall where a man and a woman.

The man, much to Jango's surprise, was wearing Mandalorian armor.

   As Boba looks down at the boy, his breath catches in his throat. He is so perfect.

   "Is this the child?" He asks Fennec, his voice shaky. She nods, patting his back and striding away. Boba kneels down in front of the boy.

  "Hello little one. What is your name?"

  "Jango. What's yours?"

Boba, for the first time in years, finds himself unable to speak. His eyes well with tears, and there is a lump in his throat that he can't swallow.

  "Hey, ad'ika, here is your—" Y/N freezes, unable to believe what she is seeing. The two cups of water go tumbling to the sand, their contents being absorbed into the earth.


   This must be a dream. It can't be real.

  But as Boba stands and walks towards her, it feels so real.

    "Hello, Mesh'la." He whispers, placing a gentle hand on her face.


He looks different, his black hair gone.

But the eyes. The big, brown eyes that stare at her with tears, as if unable to believe she was standing in front of him.

   Throwing herself into him, not taking into account her dirty apron and her messy hair, not thinking about his armor, she hugged him, burying her head into his the crook of his neck.

    "Y-you're alive." She chokes out, tears streaming down her face.

   After all these years.

He kissed her head, inhaling her sent. He had dreamed every night for this moment.

  "H-how?" Y/N asked, hugging him tighter. He was really here. "My armor, it protected me, Mesh'la."


   "Buir?" A little voice interrupted. Pulling away from each other, the pair looked down at the small boy, who had confusion written all over his face.

   "Jango, come here." Y/N beckoned, wiping away her tears as she picked up the boy.

   "You remember the stories I told you about the Mandalorian, and how he was your buir?" Jango nodded, looking at Boba.

  "He's alive, Ad'ika. This is your Father... Boba Fett."

The little boy tilted his head curiously, reaching out his hand. Gently, he placed it on Boba's face, cupping his cheek in his small hand.


  "Did you have to fight the sand monster?" Jango asked, his shyness slowly fading away. Boba laughed, and Y/N realized how much she missed his laugh. How much she missed him.

  "No, little warrior. Here I have something for you." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a leather necklace, with a large silver pendant on it.

Gently sliding it over his head, Jango gripped the pendant in his fist.

"Thank you." Jango said, his eyes still locked on the man's face.

   Boba put his arm around Y/N's waist, pulling her to him and kissing her forehead.

   "Don't leave." She whispered, leaning into him.

   "I won't ever again, my love."

This was BRUTAL for me to write. Idk why, but I can't even post another chapter of The Girl With A Storm In Her Eyes. My writing is just blah. *two thumbs down and blows a raspberry.* it's fine.

This is the way!


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